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Quickbooks Pro 2010

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  • Is it true they'll have a version for the iPad2?

    Or is that just a data collector module?

    I have a friend who runs a small business in Seattle (ok, more like 20 friends, but one in particular) and she could use a new computer at some point ... but needs that capability.

  • I'm amazed that this has never been replaced by F/OSS. I don't think there are that many people importing bank data. The rest is just over the top. Is it that they are having difficulty reverse engineering the output file formats? That could be an issue. Every time I look at any accounting software, I want to weep at how difficult and piss poor it is. No wonder you can still buy paper ledgers at the office supply stores.

    • The difficulty of accounting is by design... Easier to obfuscate the "errors" my dear...

      Our weapon is accounting...accounting and and accounting.... Our two weapons are law and accounting...and ruthless efficiency.... Our three weapons are law, and accounting, and the ruthless efficiency...and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.... Amongst our weapons...are law, accounting, ruth... Amongst our weaponry...are such elements as law... I'll come in again.

      • The difficulty of accounting is by design

        We have a winner! Fuck actually tracking our money, let's build in arcane rules and algorithms that enable us to massage the money and the information any way we want!

        Which is why I'm building my own. This will be the last QB install for me...
        • Fuck actually tracking our money...

          Difficult to track something that does not exist beyond the "magnetic ink"... The whole thing is a wonderful, magnificent illustration of the power of faith. We literally created a whole real, physical world out of it. Pretty hip...

    • by mcgrew ( 92797 ) *

      Every time I look at any accounting software, I want to weep at how difficult and piss poor it is

      Not just accounting software; rarely do I see any software at all that couldn't have been designed and written better. We live in primitive times. Digital computers and their software are about at the level of sophistication as automobiles in 1750 [].

      • Hear hear... I place computers in the same time setting as BC Comics. They're about as farcical. The machine is a sledge hammer. Disk I/O is in the stone age... Like using a steam shovel to move a million sugar cubes one at a time. They use brute force speed to cover up the kludge.

The moon may be smaller than Earth, but it's further away.
