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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Let the whinging commence 54

"13 Hours"--the movie and the politics

It is also an attempt to tell a true story--that of the Benghazi attacks and the valiant and successful efforts by the contractors to save the lives of Americans under attack. [Director] Bay relied on the accounts of several of the contractors as presented in their book. These contractors also worked as consultants and the film. As such, from what I understand, they insisted on a faithful recreation of the core events, as they saw them.

I've got a feeling that, while the movie focuses on the narrow, local "what" and omits all the pesky "why" questions, it's going to pull enough other voices back into the public discussion to make things highly uncomfortable for Her Majesty.
Will Her Majesty's health suddenly get fragile? Will she decide to spend more quality time with the grandkid? Real hard tellin'.

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Let the whinging commence

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  • First of all, the movie will not validate your conspiracy because there are no facts to support it. Hence it won't push Hillary out of the race unless it completely discards reality to push the conspiracy.

    Second, if it did decide to resemble Transformers more than reality, and that somehow forced Hillary out of the race in spite of going fact-free in so doing, the next candidate is even worse from your perspective. Bernie Sanders is actually a left wing politician with actual left wing socialist-like values. Even more so, every poll that has come out since he declared his candidacy has him completely mopping the floor with every GOP candidate who has declared so far. To say that he would completely embarrass Trump is an understatement, and it only gets worse (for the GOP) from there.

    Now obviously he would not be able to accomplish his agenda as long as the party of no controls one or both houses of congress, but he won't bend over to a conservative agenda either.
    • The film is another Argo/Zero Dark Thirty/American Sniper listless, flaccid propaganda piece. Mr. Smith will always draw flies with this stuff. It is his intent and purpose (intensive purpose? Trying to be...).

      Biden is still on reserve in case anything goes serious;y wrong with the Hillary campaign. He is as viable as anybody. A nice middle-of-the-roader that can avoid controversy.

      Also intentional is keeping congress as evenly 'divided' as possible. Everything is kept within the statistical margin of error

      • Biden is still on reserve in case anything goes serious;y wrong with the Hillary campaign

        There is no need. Every poll shows that Sanders beats every GOP candidate by at least as large - if not larger - of a margin as Hillary does. If the party really doesn't care who has their letter after their name as long as their letter is in the white house, then they have no need for someone to pick up if Hillary can't stay on top.

        And frankly, if they were getting ready to put someone in her place to challenge Sanders for the nomination (if such an event were to occur as that what Smitty so dearly de

    • The movie is, as far as I can tell, I highly kinetic, factual account highly informed by eyewitnesses.
      What is your point?
      • factual account highly informed by eyewitnesses.

        *cough* []

      • factual account

        If it is a factual account then your conspiracy will not gain anything from it at all. If it is a fairy tale set out to bolster your conspiracy and it is as effective as you want it to be, your nominee will be destroyed in November by Bernie Sanders and you'll be trying to dig up dirt on a POTUS who actually resembles a real socialist.

        That said, your party doesn't have a candidate who polls positively against Hillary, either. You might be just as well off following fusta's advice on this campaign cyc

        • your conspiracy

          I win again every time you use another false, petulant possessive.

          • your conspiracy

            I win again every time you use another false, petulant possessive.

            I didn't say it was yours exclusively. You proudly share this conspiracy - and several others that are similarly free of factual support - with plenty of other people. I have no idea what it is that you imagine yourself being the "winner" of when you so proudly parade your conspiracies about.

            • I guess the real question here is how sad the FBI is going to look when it has to bow and kiss the Clinton ring [].
              Because Her Majesty Will. Be. Obeyed.
              • You just refuse to see the reality, here. Even if you take down Hillary, you still can't win the presidential race. There hasn't been a GOP contender yet who has put up polling numbers that beat Hillary or Sanders. In fact, some of them do even worse against Sanders than against Hillary. The guy who is doing best for the nomination in your party currently will be completely obliterated by Hillary or Sanders. You number two would be similarly flushed.

                Even worse for you would be if more voters were t
                • I guess we'll find out in November, or something.

                  you still can't win the presidential race

                  I hope you have a spare woobie to clutch at the election. You're gonna need it.

                  • Really? Can you show me one GOP candidate who has had a poll showing him able to beat Hillary or Sanders? No, of course you cannot as none exists. Hell you'd be lucky to even get half the GOP vote to come out if Trump won, as you would need a significant number of people to drop their disgust with him in favor of raw partisanship. The independent voters would sooner vote for a Ficus.

                    And it only gets worse for you as time goes on. The voters will realize that indeed the GOP has been running the whol
                    • As you say.
                    • If you think any part of that is not based in reality, please show me how you reach that conclusion.

                      As I said

                      Really? Can you show me one GOP candidate who has had a poll showing him able to beat Hillary or Sanders? No, of course you cannot as none exists.


                      The voters will realize that indeed the GOP has been running the whole damned show for years now, and not done a good job of it (at least, not for anyone who makes 5 figures or less). How on earth will you sell the voters on more of the same?


                      The icing on the cake will be when the democratic candidate asks the GOP candidate for their "replacement" for HIIBA and they have to admit that their replacement for HIIBA is HIIBA with someone else's name on it.

                      And that debate would be particularly stunning if the democratic candidate was Sanders, who has an actual liberal proposal for reforming health care, that actually improves coverage and actually reduces cost.

                    • please show me how you reach that conclusion

                      I look at reality. However, I'm not sure what effective means I have of communicating reality to you. I'll leave it to time. Speaking of which, Her Majesty will declaim to the peasantry tonight at 9PM Eastern. Will you be assuming a posture of proper obeisance toward a screen at that time?

                    • I look at reality.

                      Reality? You disagree with the overwhelming majority of the world on what that means.

                      However, I'm not sure what effective means I have of communicating reality to you.

                      I am quite aware of what your alternative reality is constructed from. If you want to actually communicate - rather than communicate (your) "reality" - you could start with some facts.

                    • I watch about an hour of that collision between a First International meeting and an LSD microdosing party they called the Democrat Debate. Peter, Paul and Mary sure know how to get the potty started, dude.
                    • Sounds like your usual level of open mindedness applied in that claim. Granted, a lot of TV viewers have been watching the GOP debates just for their entertainment value, but they still likely carry into the viewing less partisan hatred than what you just described. I'd ask you if you remember anything that any of the candidates said last night but I expect you'll just link to someone's review of it, which of course would not tell us anything of you having actually watched or paid attention.
                    • your usual level of open mindedness

                      The whole thing was fungible with a trip to the sanitarium.

                      remember anything that any of the candidates said last night

                      Her Majesty had riffs about "too big to go to jail" and "American people have a right to know" that probably weren't intended as comedy, but had me in stitches.
                      I only survived the first half. Did you partake?

                    • your usual level of open mindedness

                      The whole thing was fungible with a trip to the sanitarium.

                      That does not in any way refute my assertion that you went in to it with so much bias that you could have just as well skipped it entirely.

                      I only survived the first half

                      I can't say you didn't, but I don't see a reason why you would have even bothered to watch that much as you could have gotten your sound bites this morning instead.

                      Did you partake?

                      No, I did not. I won't claim otherwise. I know which candidate best reflects my values and I plan to vote for him in the primaries here if they last that long. I had other things to deal with that at tim

                    • had riffs about "too big to go to jail" and "American people have a right to know"

                      Yeah, well, she has to say that stuff until Sanders is out of the way. Gotta keep that "lefty" money in the party coffers you know

                    • That you are a little Sanders tool is obvious.
                    • That is a shocking new allegation from you, there. Yesterday you were certain I would do anything for Hillary. I guess I should congratulate you for almost demonstrating the ability to take in new information, which is not easy for someone who wears their blinders as proudly as you do.
                    • What's the over-under on Her Majesty making him an Ambassador?
                    • A Gollum will do anything for the Ring.
                    • By that are you referring to Hillary, or to yourself?
                    • No, you.
                    • Haven't given it a thought, but that would be a good way to put him on ice.

                    • You've got me wrong (yet again). The ring is power. I don't seek power for myself. I've never had it, and don't aspire to have it. In a democracy I shouldn't necessarily need to attain power for myself in order to see my political goals met.
                    • Well, it's not as though you've gauged me correctly, either.
                    • What have I gauged you incorrectly on? The main overarching theme I see to your comments and JEs is that of how much you assume about people based on their party affiliation (or what party you believe them to be affiliated with), and how much you are willing to say and do to put your party in the winning column. I see this as the most dramatic contrast between us, as I am willing to call out people who I have voted for as failing to live up to their promises when they cave in to pressure from others.
                    • I am willing to call out people who I have voted for as failing to live up to their promises when they cave in to pressure from others.

                      Then you turn and vote for them again, which means you are full of shit. If you were serious, you would vote to replace them until you get it right. But you're not. You just play stupid blame games. And now once again you will repeat your dumb rationalization, which boils down to voting for a handout.

                    • No. I don't want a handout. I want to be able to pursue a career. Candidate A doesn't make it easy but candidate B wants to make it impossible. Even if A and B are pretty damned well interchangeable on most other issues - at least when one actually evaluates what A has done as an elected official - I will vote for the one who is less of an impediment to my career. There is no candidate C and your strategies don't help.
                    • Right on cue... Your regular bullshit copy pasta... You're just a robot

                    • No, I actually believe in something - in spite of your claims to the contrary. Granted you do seem to believe in something as well, it just has no connection to reality.
                    • Yes, you are faith based and fact free...

                    • You have gauged incorrectly, as has fustakrakich, that I am merely parroting the talking points of others, without any research or independent analysis.
                    • I have never claimed that what you write is anything other than what you believe in. Just because you claim often the opposite for what I write does not mean I believe it for what you write. Indeed there have been many many times where you have posted contradictory claims - particularly common with your conspiracies but other examples exist as well - but I have never claimed that they did not accurately reflect your beliefs.

                      That said, your allegation of "research" is very highly suspect. Research, as
                    • No, I am aware of the reality of the world today. I realize that I have only very limited ability to bring about change, which often means I have to settle for the less evil choice in order to not be stuck with the more evil one.
                    • I realize that I have only very limited ability to bring about change

                      First you have to make the effort...

                      And please, do save your breath with your lesser evil bullshit... That's just your lame excuse for simply following the herd.

                    • No, my assessment is correct. I see identical shit on those raggedy sites of yours. Pure herd mentality, just following along with a bunch of wannabe Rambos. And you dismiss out of hand any "research" you may do that contradicts your narrative, making it difficult to believe that you actually conduct any.

                    • I am not the one peddling bullshit here. You are the one holding on to a strange fantasy of being able to bring about change by not voting at all. Some of us live in the real world and have to operate within the confines of the existing US political system.
                    • I am not the one peddling bullshit here.

                      :-) Ah, but you just did with the very next sentence, thankyouverymuch. Bullshit is your trade, and your denials are futile. I liked that little emphasis you put in there, that was funny.

  • People don't pay attention to movies anymore, they are TLDR

Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
