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Journal Philip K Dickhead's Journal: Mr. Bad Taste: Let's Joke About Remote Killing 7

Murder by numbers/
One, two, three/
It's as easy to learn/
As your ABC...

"The Jonas Brothers are here; they're out there somewhere. Sasha and Malia are huge fans; but boys, don't get any ideas. Two words for you: predator drones. You will never see it coming. You think I'm joking?"

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Mr. Bad Taste: Let's Joke About Remote Killing

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  • ...than Reagan's "declared the Soviet Union illegal" gaffe, and nowhere near as likely to be taken seriously.

  • in the context it was used. As nearly every father who has a daughter can attest, the last thing they want is some grubby boy handling his daughter. "She's a virgin I tell you!"

    Yet, the vast majority of these same fathers have no problem ogling models or women on the street or trying to bed anything that breathes (you listening Tiger?), despite the fact they are still someone's daughter.

    In other words, it's ok if they want to put their grubby hands on someone's daughter, but it's not ok for you to put you

Philosophy: A route of many roads leading from nowhere to nothing. -- Ambrose Bierce
