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Journal timothy's Journal: Query: "Join CD Tracks" in iTunes; what about for Linux CD ripping apps? 8

Thanks to Google and LifeHacker, I just discovered that in iTunes it's trivial to rip a multi-track CD into a single MP3 file, by selecting "Join CD Tracks" from the Advanced menu before hitting the "Import CD" button.

Can anyone give me the one-line version of the equivalent operation in SoundJuicer, RipperX, or other LInux-based ripping apps?

I realize there's more flexibility with tracks-in-a-folder, even if Pink Floyd doesn't like it. What I'd like this for is audiobooks (which I listen to more than music); some audiobooks have 99 tracks (or even more), which gets a bit annoying to deal with on a small-screen, portable device.

This discussion was created by timothy (36799) for no Foes and no Friends' foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Query: "Join CD Tracks" in iTunes; what about for Linux CD ripping apps?

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  • cdparanoia -- 1- - | lame - audiobook.mp3

    I could be wrong on that, but the "span" section in man cdparanoia may be very helpful, along with don't use -B.

    • by ZosX ( 517789 )

      Yeah piping is always the key. I believe that you should be able to pipe multiple files through lame into a single file, but don't quote me on that. I would say "man lame" is your friend. I realize that your method uses cdparanoia. I think what the submitter was asking was to put a string of mp3s into one file. Oops I looked it up. See the following websites.

      http://www.hydrogenaudio.org/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t38126.html [hydrogenaudio.org]

      Should give you some ideas. I mean was it that hard to google it before asking sl

      • Pretty sure that OP asked (paraphrase) "How do I rip many CD tracks to one file in Linux?"

        That setup should send one long audio datastream from the CD to lame for encoding. The magic is in the cdparanoia invocation, not in piping it to lame.

        On asking /., we're all welcome to ask dumb questions, so long as we expect dumb answers. :)

  • It's not Right, but it will sometimes "work." :-)

  • A Linux version of EAC. EAC will let you rip a whole CD or tracks, combine tracks, rearrange them, in either lossy or lossless. I use it to sample LPs, it's dirt-simple to tell it where the tracks begin and end. Its only drawback is that afaik it's Windows only.

