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Journal zogger's Journal: Council of Governors 15

Well, we have a new executive branch division (for lack of a better word), called the "Council of Governors", that was just set up by executive order diktat. There will be ten governors (existing, this is a new role for them in addition to their normal governor action) who will sit on this council and coordinate homerland security and national guard and other assorted stuff.

Isn't that special. Note: we have ten FEMA districts already, perhaps this is why they chose ten as the number. Gee, I wonder what will be going down soon? Has anyone noticed anyone waving their hands around lately and asking why we don't have a "council of governors"? Did I miss the memo? WTF is this all about? Have we been lacking sufficient numbers of governmental appointees, komissars, overlords and plutocrats?

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Council of Governors

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  • Should have been your "Canary in the Coalmine", after 9/11.

    That meant that the guard was no longer a viable instrument of state sovereignity, as intended by the Militia reference in the 2nd ammendment.

    Now, these governors are your new Satraps.

    • Yeah. Posse Comitatus is pretty well permanently abrogated.

      There is a section of the document at its core, pivoting on the phrase: "Synchronization and Integration of State and Federal Military Activities in the United States". These USED to be illegal, and in violation of the Constitution. But the U.S. Executive issued a "State of Emergency" contingency after 9-11, which has been renewed at every opportunity - including by CIA asset/protege, Mr. Obama.

      The Constitution has been functionally suspended und

  • "The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. ... I have just been notified that the Emperor has dissolved the body permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away. ... Local governors now have direct rule over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station. ..."

  • So people have been noticing that our king and his lords have mostly been concentrating on dishing goodies to unions and generally not giving two shits about the safety of the country. So our supreme leader here responds with switching to shoring up permanent control for his fellow Progressives in just a different way. Like the first Model T's, sure, he'll work on anything we'd like him to, but only as long as he can do it in a way that continues to consolidate power.

    • What unions have been getting goodies? The only people I've seen getting goodies from the Obama Administration so far have been the International Banking Cartel.

      The closest thing I've seen to a goodie for the unions is also a goodie for small business if they think about it- universal health care. And even that, IF accomplished (got a couple more hurdles yet) won't kick in until 2013- after Obama's out of office (I hope).

      • in case you missed it on my board. I finally did an article on local community economy [boardhost.com] in the absence of a viable government currency system, some examples that went on during the great depression.

        Me, not waiting for some community action, doing it myself.

      • You don't have to believe us Right-wingers, but you'll definitely never be able to evaluate if we're right or not if you get your news exclusively from Left-wing sources. A hint: There's only one program on television, on only one network, that has been doing any significant digging into what's been going on. Others that used to do some, have backed away, prolly for ratings. Everything else just repeats what are the (shallow) "hot stories" of the week, which I think are pretty much only distractions from wh

        • by zogger ( 617870 )

          I don't really watch TV*. Gf does and I made the DTV switch for her mostly, but I would watch some honest investigative journalism. so throw me a bone here and tell me which program. No guarantee I can get it, can't get all the major networks out here in duh boonesville.

          *mostly. I'll watch some olympic coverage when it comes around and catch the weather (cough..more russky wimminks..cough), etc. It's background racket to me. The TV is primarily where I want to see a DVD being played, but even then I more an

          • Go here [gallup.com] and page down to the third table, and among independents he's #2. Last year it was about finding out about this new administration in the executive branch and the mostly unknown the electorate had made our leader, and what they were about and up to and the roots of it. Basically a rubbing of our eyes in disbelief of what is actually happening in our country. I think Lou Dobbs, between obligatory Bush-bashings, used to do some coverage, on topics revealing some of what is going on, that's deemed not

            • Beck isn't an example of MSM to you? He is to me. He says *exactly* what his sponsors tell him to say, and you'll never hear him utter a word against his advertisers.

        • I don't get my news from TV at all- I consider all television programs to be hopelessly biased by their sponsors (this even goes for documentary and reality TV- every bloody Dirty Job that Mike Rowe goes to, he's in a Ford pickup. Every house Extreme Home Makeover rebuilds, has Kenmore Appliances and CVS Pharmacy special needs equipment).

          So no, I don't trust the MSM at all. And I've yet to see the MSM cover the fact I referred to above- that most of the stimulus and every cabinet position in the Obama adm

          • by Com2Kid ( 142006 )

            Now lets be fair about this:

            (this even goes for documentary and reality TV- every bloody Dirty Job that Mike Rowe goes to, he's in a Ford pickup.

            He is supposed to buy a new truck for each and every TV episode? Ford is the #1 truck in America, the majority of trucks in America are made by Ford. Even if he DID pick a random truck for each episode, the majority of the time the truck would be a Ford.

            Every house Extreme Home Makeover rebuilds, has Kenmore Appliances and CVS Pharmacy special needs equipment


            • He is supposed to buy a new truck for each and every TV episode? Ford is the #1 truck in America, the majority of trucks in America are made by Ford. Even if he DID pick a random truck for each episode, the majority of the time the truck would be a Ford.

              Actually, he seems to be IN a new truck every episode. And if you watch the commercials- gee, there's Mike Rowe again, pitching for Ford.

              This is because of the discounts Kenmore offers home builders. Past 4 places I have lived, all

              • by Com2Kid ( 142006 )

                The original point is that Main Stream Media is *also* only entertainment, not news- and just about anything you see on TV is more about supporting the advertisers than bringing you the whole story.

                Next time try citing examples of advertisers interfering with news reports. I don't care if Ford sponsored Knight Rider, SO WHAT. It is entertainment, hell it is expensive to produce entertainment! If audiences want a higher production value they are going to have to live with product placement.

                Now if CNN runs

If God had not given us sticky tape, it would have been necessary to invent it.
