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Journal Timex's Journal: I wonder why that is? 25

At this writing, the Kapi' olani Health Foundation is hiding an HTML version of a "letter" purporting to be from Obama. (As of this writing, follow the link and look at the page source. Search for "Obama", and you'll find it commented-out.)

Considering that Obama claims this place to be the location of his birth, I can't help but wonder why they're hiding something like this. I would think that being the birthplace of a sitting president would be something akin to bragging rights.

I wonder what would cause them to do something like this?

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I wonder why that is?

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  • I searched google news for kapiolani obama [] and every that came up was from sources tha are questionable and highly biased at the least. In particular, this "story" seems to be covered exclusively by world net daily - a website so slanted for conservatives that they often make Fox News look like the Washington Post.

    In other words, unless a reputable news agency has something to say about this, I would say it is just more conservative noise.
    • I think a much more near-fetched question is: what's the deal with the college records?
      As far as I'm concerned, Chief Justice Roberts answered the mail on the relative importance of where on the planet BHO emerged.
      I do hope the Hawaiian birth certificate has more validity than the sunshine pledge, or the transparency pledge, or the no-lobbyists pledge, or...
      • I think a much more near-fetched question is: what the hell are you worried about? He has hardly strayed off the course by any means. Wall Street remains where it always has. McNamara's and Dulles's ghosts still run defense and state. Nixon's imperial presidency is alive and well. And this guy plays well to his audience, just like that other celebrity/deity from almost 30 years ago. Gee! What else is new?

        • Worry? Who said aught of worry?
          Think of it as going through airport security. Why are college records worthy of secrecy? My transcript is a pile of ass, but those are the bad grades I earned. The good POTUS has nothing to fret but the Streisand effect [], I'm sure. However, "Trust but verify," a one worthy once said.
          • Timing is everything, and yours remains very suspicious :)

            Watch for the new "Conservative Democrat" party to pop up. With... guess who?

            • Again, as far as I'm concerned, Chief Justice Roberts settled the matter.
              I don't want the US spared one second of (legal) enjoyment of the Obama administration. We earned it.
              As far as a new political party goes, if said party isn't after restoring some meaning to the three-branch/three-level government system purportedly still in place in the US,
              then it amounts to re-arranging the ore load on the Edmond Fitzgerald, AFAICT.
      • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

        I think a much more near-fetched question is: what's the deal with the college records?

        I figure it this way: the interest in Obama's college records will probably reveal one of two things:

        1. He accepted government funding intended for non-citizens when he was really a citizen
        2. He's really not an American citizen

        Either reason would be just cause to work as hard as he does to prevent anyone from getting his records, because he would be screwed.

        As far as I know, there's no other acceptable reason to work so hard to hide that information. Nobody is asking for any more information than was requested

        • A third alternative is that material like a Master's thesis might be just too Marxist in viewpoint for general consumption, and the whole lot is embargoed for simplicity.
          The whole situation cuts against the sunshine-happy grain, in any case.
        • As far as I know, there's no other acceptable reason to work so hard to hide that information.

          It's so nice to see freedom-loving conservatives standing up for the right to privacy.

          So, my dear Timex, just what little skeletons are you hiding in your closet? And why are you hiding them?



          • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

            It's so nice to see freedom-loving conservatives standing up for the right to privacy.

            So, my dear Timex, just what little skeletons are you hiding in your closet? And why are you hiding them?

            Hrm... Let's see... Nobody's asked for anything, so far as I can recall, so there's no active "hiding".

            What would you like to know, as it relates to (1) my job or (2) my relationship with you?

            I'll be happy to answer anything, if it fits either of those criteria.

            We can't say the same thing for the Mystery That Is Obama, at any rate.

            • The point that went sailing over your head (and, by the way, is the core of the Fourth Amendment) is that no one has the right to demand any such personal information from you, for any reason, without legal due process. If you wish to share your private information with the world, that's your business. If you don't, that's your business, too. And since Obama hasn't been charged with any crime, there is no reason for him to appease the likes of you hounding him over trivialities.

              If you want to try and file

              • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

                The point that went sailing over your head (and, by the way, is the core of the Fourth Amendment) is that no one has the right to demand any such personal information from you, for any reason, without legal due process.

                Well, since the Democrats had no problem ignoring the 4th amendment when Dubya was running against Al Gore[1], you'll have to excuse me if I call "bullshit" on this one. We, as American citizens, have every right to know something, anything about those that are supposed to be our nation's leaders, and we know bloody well nothing about this guy, and why? Because he's hiding behind a legal team, fighting to hide anything and everything that might expose him as something he's pretending not to be, whether

    • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

      Regardless of who is reporting it, the domain is apparently valid [] (not belonging to WND). It's been in existence since 2008.

      I would understand your willingness to blow this off, had the domain been relatively new, or even if it belonged to WND, but it doesn't.

      In other words, unless a reputable news agency has something to say about this

      "Reputable"? In the age of Presidential Lapdogs? You're joking, right?

      • Regardless of who is reporting it, the domain is apparently valid (not belonging to WND). It's been in existence since 2008.

        I was referring to the reporting being done by WND, perhaps the kapi'olani gift website worked better for you than it did for me? I was unable to see anything on the kapi'olani gift website that you refer to that said anything one way or another about a letter from President Obama.

        So to be as clear as possible, I am not calling the kapi'olani gift website into question. When I tried to view it, my results were inconclusive as to whether or not there was indeed some letter posted there. However, when I

        • Re: (Score:1, Troll)

          by Red4man ( 1347635 )
          I was unable to see anything on the kapi'olani gift website that you refer to that said anything one way or another about a letter from President Obama.

          Learn to read, dumbass. You have to go to the website and select 'View Source'. Here's what you see:

          <p align="center">&#160;</p>
          <p align="center"><b>Read a very special congratulatory message sent by President Barack Obama and read by Representative Neil Abercrombie.</b></p>
          <p align="center">&#160

          • Wow, you just get more hilarious with every post. You have already demonstrated clearly that you are the absolute pinnacle of eukaryotic evolution; we all bow down to your wisdom and benevolence.

            And you were so kind and giving with your voluminous wisdom that this time your post required a "click here to read the rest of this comment" - and who was it that was complaining about long posts?

            Oh yeah, it must have been one of your circle-jerk friends that you share your login and password with.

            So how man
            • The only tragedy here is that you somehow clawed your way back up to posting at +1;
              The cream always rises to the top, dumbass.

              It's too bad I don't have any mod points to go after your trolls like someone did earlier that you complained so loudly about.

              Thanks for admitting you're a mod bomber. I'll notify CmdrTaco via email.

              LOVE AND KISSES,
              • Thanks for admitting you're a mod bomber. I'll notify CmdrTaco via email.

                The troll moderation is supposed to be used to down-moderate posts that are posted as trolls. One doesn't have to read far through your posting history to find ones that meet the criteria.

                Just because you troll "professionally" doesn't mean that your troll posts shouldn't be moderated as such. Moderating a troll post as troll is in no way mod bombing.

                Why don't you log out so a red4man user who can keep up with this can read and reply instead (if one exists)?

                • Why don't you log out so a red4man user who can keep up with this can read

                  ... says the guy who completely missed the instructions in the JE to "View Source" to see commented out HTML....
          • by Timex ( 11710 ) *

            It might be commented out simply because they're not ready to go live with it, or perhaps it was only ever meant to be up for a short time. You can't ascribe malice or anything nefarious to this.

            See? Now, if he chooses, Timex could try and counterpoint that.

            Actually, if that were their reasoning, that would answer the question posed by my JE, and that would settle it I think.

  • I downloaded the JPG of his signature.

As a computer, I find your faith in technology amusing.
