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Journal Profane MuthaFucka's Journal: Cum guzzlers 9

On my front page today:

As our way of thanking you for your positive contributions to Slashdot you are eligible to disable advertising

Thanks Rob, Pudge, and Jon Katz (may you find a bunch of dumbfucks who will buy your stupid books) it was my pleasure. Really.

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Cum guzzlers

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  • Very happy I haven't been deemed worthy of thanks. Kinda seems like a kick in the face to subscribers, though.
    • The ad blocker showed up on mine today. It goes well with the 15 moderation points I get. Does anyone know how the mod points work? Is there one above 15? I know that some get unlimited.

      Maybe it's a reward for not making frosty piss comments when I look at an article with no comments.

    • Apparently the cutoff was at userid 550000 or so. ;)

      I'll still have to re-subscribe if I want to see The Mysterious Future! again, though.

      (Hell yes, I checked the box!)

  • But I confirm I _Want_ to advertise! Why would I want to disable that?

    What? Oh....! I see. I was confused, you see, because I already have disabled the display of advertising of _others_.

    Thank you for your interest. Please carry on.

The IQ of the group is the lowest IQ of a member of the group divided by the number of people in the group.
