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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [work] The hunger burns hotter 6

I have made it clear over the years that I question my choice of going into IT as a career path. I am very good at what I do and I have not really flopped at anything I have set my hand to doing. I have written code, written technical documents, fiddled a little with web stuff, built operating systems, and more. It pays my bills. But it does not satisfy me.

I find myself to be happiest when I am rattling pots and pans in the kitchen. I like to cook. I am good at it. I regard myself as a better cook than an IT professional, and it has a lot to do with attitude. My attitude in IT has soured a lot over the past 2-5 years, and some of that is because I don't have time for the kitchen all that much anymore. Some of it is because I have so many things on my plate that I cannot complete anything for all of the demands. It is not unusual to get called in by my manager to ask why I am not working something specific because the internal customers know that he sets all of my priorities and they call him just to get more attention.

It's frustrating and discouraging.

I find myself again looking into what it would take/cost to open up a small, community bakery. I wouldn't mind a small restaurant either, but I am not that dedicated to run a full-fledged eatery right now.

Next week, and the week after that, my group lead is on travel and that leaves the rest of us. I'll be the one on the firing line in his stead. It's going to be an excellent and terrible experience, in ways that should be obvious. I need the experience if I am going to progress in IT, but at the same time I don't need any more aggravation. I just want an opportunity to do something I really enjoy, and that is a rare thing anymore.

I used to make homemade bread for my family 2-3 times every week. Because of the time, it's about once every 4-6 months now. If you wondered why I quit posting stuff about food and bread, that's why... There's no time anymore.

Sorry. I am having a rough week. Eventually it will all pass and the crap I am wading through right now will be a terrible memory. Even so, it has not quenched my desire for a more fulfilling role in life. Yes, I know, IT pays well and I should be very, very thankful for having the job that I have - it IS a good gob, with a good company and great coworkers, but that doesn't mean it's a perfect fit.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[work] The hunger burns hotter

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  • they are an excellent way to go broke from what I understand. Bakery - I don't know about that. Though I have to think it would be a tough time for that right now with a lot of people in 'cut-back' mode.

  • A thought that occurred to me once (but I'm the opposite, I don't have the artist's soul it would take to be a good baker or cook) is that in the current environment a neighborhood subscription bakery offering artisan bread could do quite well. You have the security of the subscriptions paying the bills, and busy business people gain several hours a week that they would otherwise spend driving to the store.

    Couple it with a nice green delivery vehicle such as an NEV truck, and you could even get the hours

  • I find myself in the job market and I have to say I'm not all that thrilled with the idea of going back to the IT job well.

    The expectations have changed in regards to the time commitment and skill set. I find there is a demand I be able to wear a developer hat, a tester hat, a project manager hat, a NOC hat, a technical writer hat, and a psychoanalyst hat all 40 hours a week with a level of skill as if I had been doing those jobs for the past 10 years rather than system and network administration. Furthermo

  • ...I don't have time for the kitchen all that much anymore. Some of it is because I have so many things on my plate...

    Well I liked it. :)

  • I'm pretty set on changes tracks over the next 5 years, too.

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