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Journal damn_registrars's Journal: A Teflon Endorsement 9

Pawlenty talks up Wisconsin's Walker for president, demurs on own political future

He forgot to talk up another similarity between them - they both spent years running for president only to crash and burn. I'll predict now that the Kevlar Kandidate will be the first to bow out after the Iowa caucuses. It will be fun to watch, though.

Unfortunately Wisconsin will still be stuck with him for a while after, as he will still be "governor" after losing the GOP nomination.
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A Teflon Endorsement

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  • I'll predict now that the Kevlar Kandidate will be the first to bow out after the Iowa caucuses. It will be fun to watch, though.

    Concur: it is blatantly obvious to even the most casual observer, based upon his winning three elections in 4 years, that we're dealing with a feckless twerp in Scott Walker.

    • He's a lifetime politician but nothing scares him more than the downstream consequences of accruing a mark in the (L) column. Note however that he has been stacking his team with people who worked for Team Teflon, which didn't work out very well for the Teflon Candidate. While his electioneering will be popular with the GOP base, it isn't capable of winning the nationwide general election.
      • He's a lifetime politician

        Absolutely. And this is why Her Majesty is The Only Person Who Can Stop This Madman (TM).

        • The system works!

          • How could your faith ever waver?
            • :-) That's the beauty, it never has.

              • But how can you have faith in anything, if you're merely so many atoms/molecules strung together, and consciousness is just some lousy gag?
                • But how can you have faith in anything...?

                  Because I am here, and I can, that easy. Many things can be done with atoms, including produce a living conscious being. Nature is beautiful, and I am in its glory. No anthropomorphic deity is required to think kind thoughts and do good things, motivated by nothing more than smiling faces, and maybe a free beer. Today I live here. *Tomorrow* I will live somewhere else. As Ted Kennedy said, *I will drive off that bridge when I get to it*

                • But how can you have faith in anything, if you're merely so many atoms/molecules strung together, and consciousness is just some lousy gag?

                  I love the smell of moral absolutism in the morning. Keep fucking that chicken.

Byte your tongue.
