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Journal Timex's Journal: Several things 3

I have a spare system that will likely replace the system that my kids have right now. It's not top-of-the-line, but it's better than the system they have at the moment. Before I hand it off to them, though, I will be using it to play with the Win7 beta.

I don't have anything to say about the Win7 beta yet, as the monitor I had available when I installed it had a problem that rendered the graphics a bit blurry, making things difficult to see more than general shapes and forms. I could make out words if I concentrated on it, but that only made it easier to develop migraines. :( I happened to have another monitor in storage that I had forgotten about, and it seems to do nicely in spite of the fact that it was made a few years before Methuselah was born. XD

There's something that I was reading today on WND that I thought was particularly interesting, mostly because it refers to the fact that some people are coming to realize that the federal government has been overstepping their Constitutional authority for some time (the article refers to events that occured during the Clinton and Bush administrations), and they're doing something about it. So far there are about ten or so states with something on the books reaffirming the soverignty of the state, with several more that have something in the works along the same line. When I've had time to look into it a little more, I'll probably write something up here. :)

On the job search front, there have been several "nibbles", mostly from head-hunters looking for someone willing to do contract work. The idea of contract work makes me a little uneasy, mostly because I've never done it before. All my work experience to date has been full-time (that is, not counting student work study when I was in college). One in particular has the possibility of becoming permanent, so that's something to consider.

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Several things

Comments Filter:
  • My current job started off as a temp for a contractor for the outfit! Now I'm a permanent employee there. Although contract work can be a bit unsettling, and you may not have as good of benefits, some places do use it as a way of evaluating people before hiring. So, although our interactions have only been on slashdot, that would certainly seem to favor you once you get your foot in the door.
  • The idea of contract work makes me a little uneasy, mostly because I've never done it before.

    Plus, as someone also in the same boat as you, there are questions in my mind pertaining to health coverage, tax issues, incorporation, liability, equipment, pay rate, independent vs. being pimped out, etc.

    • It has its' bad points, and its' good points.

      Depending on the arrangement, you can come out ahead.

      For example, if you're working directly as a contractor (ie: self-employed instead of being an employee of the firm contracting you out to some company) you get to deduct your costs for transportation, depreciation on your vehicle, software and hardware, a percentage of your rent or mortgage for your home office, clothing, meals, and other expenses (be a bit creative - it's expected :-)

      You also might hav

No problem is so large it can't be fit in somewhere.
