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To the Rescue!

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  • I thought the US Navy might get seriously involved if AIG has a large exposure to shipping insurance []

    Through the joys of the reinsurance market AIG undoubtedly has some. Enough to worry Uncle Sam - don't know.

    I think Blackwater just see a potential profit.

    *Tinfoil alert*

    And I am sure the US gov would be upset to have potential spies invited onto every major cargo haul.

  • Black Oak Arkansas and thousands of mullet wearing rednecks in their Camaros approve of this message, dumbass.
  • ex-Seal commando type, I would absolutely love to work at a company like that and kick some ass! Sink the effin' pirates' ships -- yo ho ho and down you go, you mo fo's. While they're at, sink some of those Greenpeace a-holes' boats too. Just to keep things balanced. ;)

    But I've never figured out why anyone would go out, such as the high seas or even out hiking into the woods, where there's not a lot of people (witnesses) around and the long arm of the law doesn't really stretch out that far, without be

The best laid plans of mice and men are held up in the legal department.
