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Journal Scott Lockwood's Journal: Un-Fucking-Beleavable 8

I just got hit by Pudge's girlfriends - again. This time, I think they waited on purpose to mod me down just as the comments would pass out of the system for moderation, so no one could correct the abuse.

This discussion was created by Scott Lockwood (218839) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • They love that tactic.
  • Even I haven't managed to piss off the arch conservative [] or his sock puppet [] enough for that. And I was the first name added to the foes list for RailGunner [] and his previous name Naqamel [] before he changed back to the longer name.

    I guess in my case they are content to just stick to their base level of hypocrisy by calling me an oppressive fascist while not allowing me (or anyone else they hate) to respond to their journal postings.
    • RailGunner is Pudge? That explains a lot....
      • RailGunner is Pudge?

        It is an open question, but my money is on yes.

        Anytime one posts something, the other one comes to congratulate on said post shortly after. I am not aware of a single occurrence of the two disagreeing on anything. Similarly, it is virtually impossible to find a time in the past several months when either has posted anywhere other than in each others' journals.

        My take on it is that Pudge got tired of talking to himself. Very few people on slashdot share his hard-right agenda, so he created this alter

        • Re: (Score:1, Interesting)

          The really sad thing is, I liked Pudge back when he was all about writing code.
          • Indeed, if you read through Pudge's journal archives [] - which go all the way back to 2001 - there is plenty to like in the older entries. By taking a quick glance it looks like it wasn't until around 2003 that he started to get increasingly political in his writings, and then around 2004 or so he gave up on writing about technology and devoted all of his journal entries to his own distorted political agenda.

            Hell, even in 2005 he made an entry that I agree with []. It looks like he gave up entirely on discus
            • Remember RailGunner's confessional moment - where he was admitting to feeling homicidally selfish, approaching the impending birth of his child?

              It's back there somewhere - he was building a crib, and wishing it were a coffin.

              If tht's actually true - and not some sick manipulation - it should be easy to correlate the event with the births of Pudges' own children.

        • It is an open question, but my money is on yes.

          Highly doubt it. Writing styles, temperament, even the politics, while superficially similar, have plenty of nuance to differentiate them. I've bantered back and forth with both of them enough that I'm convinced it's highly unlikely they're the same person.

          But who knows? Would be entertaining.

According to all the latest reports, there was no truth in any of the earlier reports.
