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Someone needs to give Microsoft a big cup of STFU

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  • The Eric Cartman of the software world.

    Screw you guys! I'm going home.

    • More like an evil Kenny - every week, something comes up that should kill them dead, but next week, like clockwork, they're baaaaaaaack!

  • Hey, I feel your anger. But being the 800-pound gorilla means you get special abilities, like +20 Rabid lawyer posse or magical items, like the Eternal Confusion FUD Generator (can be used multiple times in one turn!).

    When they've shrunk a little bit, things'll be different. I hope.
  • Way back when, when young Billy Gates was part of a open-sharing community (the folks who really created modern-day computers), he thought he was being smart by slapping his name on work he "created" (based on peoples' work freely traded and shared). And he got all huffity about people copying "his" hard work (because, somehow, it was okay for him to take it for free and make it his). That was all copyrights.

    In the same spirit, once Microsoft got rolling (or rather, rumbling), Gates sought to seek softwar
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
      We need more people yammering about how stupid this is, so the average Joe can get a ticket for the clue train too. Time to give Microsoft a whack with the clue-by-four, to make sure this kind of tripe doesn't become more common practice. Ok I think I have spewed forth enough lame cliches' for today.
      • We need more people yammering about how stupid this is, so the average Joe can get a ticket for the clue train too.

        I think the average Joe has a clue, after all, he has to use windows too, and the law of averages being what it is...

        Thing is, unlike us, they don't know what to do. Hell, most of them don't even understand that there's a choice, and most that do usually follow this format: "Mmmm, macs. Expensive/faggy/new/weird/notbusiness...hey, doughnuts! Oh well, Windows sucks, but it's what we've
  • Lovely FUD, Beautiful FUD!


    If you can't beat them in the marketplace of ideas, dazzle them with lies and posturing!

    FUD FUD FUD FUD ... sigh. No WinVista for me ...

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