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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: Democrats plan for Iraq 19

So, the democrats have finally issued a plan to end our occupation of Iraq.

Perhaps they can also offer up timetables for pulling out our troops from other occupied countries.

Hey Pelosi, when are you going to get us out of Korea? Guam? The Philippines? Puerto Rico? That little bit of Cuba we still occupy? American Samoa? The Virgin Islands? How about your time table for Germany and Japan? Heck, let's go whole hog here and plan a pull-out from Hawaii, Florida, Texas, California and Utah while we're at it. Maybe you could even plan for the entire evacuation of every European descended person from the whole North American continent altogether?

*rolls eyes*

I've said it before, I'll say it again - the countries we've occupied for the long-term have all turned out fairly good for the natives, while those we abandoned turned into complete and utter disasters. The only one that has even remotely recovered is Vietnam, and the years immediately after the US withdrawal were indeed catastrophic for the country, it's take 30 years to be able to say they've even REMOTELY recovered, but North Korea, Haiti, Panama, Grenada, Columbia, Ecuador, Somalia, Lebanon, all these other countries where we just up and left like the Democrats are proposing we do in Iraq, they're all basket cases now.

But this historical reality is lost on the left. They just don't seem to care about the consequences of our withdrawal to those being abandoned.

The REAL bloodbath in Vietnam began AFTER we left. Expect the same thing in Iraq.

Only this time, it won't just be a humanitarian disaster, it will also be an economic disaster for the whole world too, due to the massive oil and gas reserves there which will become untouchable, and as the conflict spreads and becomes a general shiite vs. sunni civil war across the whole of the middle east and north africa, the total loss of access to middle eastern oil and gas will devastate economies the world over.

Good going there, Pelosi Squad! Way to show leadership and foresight and strategic planning!

I can't believe people so unserious and incompetent ever got voted into power. Speaks volumes about the american public. Let's hope the conservative democrats who gave the party their majority are smart enough to block Pelosi's idiotic plan. They haven't exactly been toeing the Pelosi line all along, so there's still some hope yet.

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Democrats plan for Iraq

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  • Go today?

    Or should Poland be allowed to maintain bases in Mexico, and Malaysia in the Bahamas?

    Hipocracy is concealed by the disingenuous mask of noble intentions, or more frequently, false pragmatism. America sucks the blood of the world like a Vampire - and uses the term "interests" as if it were an equivalent validation as "sovereignity".
    • by blinder ( 153117 ) *
      vampires are fucking cool.

      but like your post, total fiction :)
      • What part is fiction?
        Does the US exist as 5% of the world's population,, yet consume 26% of its energy resources? Does the US maintain its precarious debtor relationship though peace and goodwill, or the coercive strength of arms? Or is there a third and fourth thing I'm not counting?

        • He's merely being irrational trying to create a bond with the current alpha male. He has no reasonable response. Since there isn't any, he'd have to make one up. But then it wouldn't be reasonable, even though it might sound so.
        • What part is fiction?

          Likening US trade to a fictitious monster, at least; your other comments hint at larger delusions as well.

          Does the US exist as 5% of the world's population,, yet consume 26% of its energy resources?

          Quite possibly, at present - while also accounting for a similar percentage of the world's economy. It isn't population which consumes energy, it's economic activity, so the figures you quote are no more a problem than the fact my laptop cost more per pound than my desktop machine.


          • Does the US maintain its precarious debtor relationship though peace and goodwill, or the coercive strength of arms?
            It maintains its credit rating through the former
            It's spelled ELL AY TEE TEE EE AR.
            • Yeah, we're using our coercive strength of arms to keep countries like China, Russia and France in line.

              Hell, we even have a trade deficit with IRAN, of all countries. Of coercive strength of arms is really keeping them in line! Golly gee, I'm glad that's working out so very swell for us!
    • In fact, quite the opposite - US military bases in other countries contribute a great deal to the economies of the countries hosting our bases. For example: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,1299315,00.ht ml [dw-world.de]

      I don't know about the situation in Iraq, but elsewhere this is certainly true.

      • It is more tha a little ironic - you have a Sig that states that government is the problem - but are a booster for the establishment of one of the bigger .GOV programs.

        The local economies around these bases are better. Ask in the Phillipines, if the quality of life is better after the closing of Pinatubo. They will prolly answer "no." But then, they were making money supplying hillbillies with pussy and whiskey.
        • As to government being the problem, there are a couple of issues here. For one, the US government has ALWAYS attempted to export the american revolution to other countries, and the adventure in Iraq is just more of the same. It used to be this exporting was more widely supported within the country, but the fact that in the past 30 or 40 years it has become unacceptable to about half the country (to so-called "left-wing" half) says to me we are losing our revolutionary spirit. (And considering being revol
          • >For one, the US government has ALWAYS attempted to export the american revolution to other countries

            Which makes it different from Trotskyite revolutionary Marxism in what way?

            The fact is, Imperial adventure - Soviet or USian is always couched in the false ideological language of a missionary vision. It's how you get the people to work against their own interest, and sacrifice their own lives for the welfare of billionaires.
            • All revolutions try to export themselves, sure, the Marxist revolution in Russia just as much as any other.

              There is a difference, however, in what they deliver. Would you rather have lived in the USSR or in the USA?
      • Guam is not an occupied country, Guam is a U.S. territory.
        • Guam was once upon a time an independent country. As was Puerto Rico, Samoa, Virign Islands, Hawaii, Texas, and California, and the occupation of Florida involved first seizing it from SPAIN and then pacifying it for FORTY YEARS.

          Hopefully you now see my point in bringing up those countries in the first place. Why limit ourselves to just pulling out of one occupied country? If it's wrong to coccupy independent countries, then clearly we have an obligation to pull out of ALL countries that we are currently
          • by Qzukk ( 229616 )
            to tell us why would shouldn't expect Iraq, and the entire middle east, to collapse into catastrophic turmoil

            The Republicans are the ones spending the money. Instead of asking the Democrats why they think Iraq won't collapse if we pull out, we should be asking the Republicans why they think Iraq won't collapse because we're there. (Start with an explanation of how the police being unwilling to help our soldiers hunt down government official-backed death squads is somehow not an indication that the place is
  • "I can't believe people so unserious and incompetent ever got voted into power"

    Me neither. But it's okay, Bush will be gone in another two years. :-)

    Seriously, though. I dunno if we agree on the reasons why, but I agree that the Dems are making a big mistake in fighting for a pullout the way they're doing it. Timetables aren't likely to be helpful for Iraq. (Although I can certainly see why they would like the occupation ended before, say, January 19, 2009.) If they really want us out, they should revise th
    • I wonder if you'd gotten yelled at so many times if you had two more stickers following the first. All put together it would look like this:

      Attack Iraq? No! Fix Afghanistan first! Find Bin Laden first!

"Flattery is all right -- if you don't inhale." -- Adlai Stevenson
