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Journal peacefinder's Journal: Info on Israel and Palestine 5

I listened today to a very interesting interview on the radio: Jimmy Carter on Fresh Air.

Two things struck me as interesting about this interview. For starters, Terry Gross gives what is for her a very confronational interview. It is still pretty polite, since she is not exactly a hard-hitting interviewer, but I could clearly hear what seemed to be deep skepticism and annoyance in her voice. Haven't heard that since Bill O'Reilly was on.

Second, I think what Mr. Carter has to say is something many Americans need to hear. If you're concerned about the violence in the region, I think this interview (and presumably Carter's book) contains information that provides valuable perspective on the conflict. Give it a listen if you can.

(I know this is a difficult subject to discuss in a civil manner, but sometimes I just can't resist playing my role no matter how foolhardy it seems.)

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Info on Israel and Palestine

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  • Anyway, I can't get to that particular interview- much as I'd like to hear it. His latest book seems to be on the side of Palestine rather than the Zionists. Which has become my position as of late, after meeting some Christians from Bethleham.
  • She's a Zionist. Very socially and politically liberal positions in general, but hyper pro-Israel. It comes out when she brings on folks who've written about Palestine or Hezbillah.

    She had some author who asserted Hezbillah had sleeper cells from Lebanon throughout the US. She had him elaborate on and re-emphasise this ridiculous point, at quite some length.

    Other than that, she's got the opinions one expects from an east-coast liberal lesbian. :-)
  • In many ways Jimmy Carter exemplefies Christian charity. Even though he's a former president he spends quite a bit of his time helping to build houses for those less fortunate. I can't see any of the other ex-president's club doing that!

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