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Journal SiliconJesus's Journal: Just got back from the sonogram 24

We're having a BOY!


We're having twins! Totally unexpected. We didn't know until a couple hours ago. I'm still in total shock. I've already gone through the mental list of costs, and we're gonna have a hard time making it in the upcoming months. Daycare'll wipe out my wife's income completely and then some. We'll manage, I'm sure, but its scary thinking about it.

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Just got back from the sonogram

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  • If you'll lose almost all an income on childcare, its time to think about staying at home. That's what my wife does. Makes money tight, but its something you work on, get a budget for, and works better int he long run (house is clean, dinner is cooked and ready when I get home, and the kids are cared for by their mother, not some random stranger). Not for everyone, but it works for my family. Best way to start is to just put her money away into savings and not touching it... if you can make it that way
    • Alternatively look at hiring an au-pair to take them full time and help out around the house.

      And congrats you poor bastard :-)
      • From Sweden. You want the au pair to be from Sweden. 'cuz of the alps. But don't tell the wife I said it.

        • by RevMike ( 632002 )
          From Sweden. You want the au pair to be from Sweden. 'cuz of the alps. But don't tell the wife I said it.

          But the alps aren't anywhere near... Oh ... nevermind.

    • We're talking about it now. She stayed at home with our three year old. The difference is that she just started her new career as a teacher two years ago, and she doesn't want to lose momentum. We'll have to see. I've put in for a raise (and I'm overdue for one), and we have some expenses we can live without for now. My biggest concern is the mortgage and 2nd mortgage which wipe out my income for the first half of the month, but at least we don't have car payments anymore.
      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        Can you get one of those early month payments moved to later in the month? It might be worth a call to the 2nd mortgage anyway. This can really bite you if you have no cash at the start of the month and use credit cards until you get paid later, which digs you further and further into debt.
        • Luckily, I have managed to stash away a few thousand dollars, so I'm not going to run out of money. I am going to try to move my 2nd mortgage though. I may stop by the bank this week and talk to them about it.
          • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
            Or if you can't move anything, since you have some cash on hand you could pay the mortgage early (i.e. twice one month) and then just plan on paying it "early" out of the second paycheck from then on. In fact, I vaguely remember reading somewhere that this can save you money in the long run (since you are basically paying "ahead" after the first month), but I forget the long line of reasoning behind it :-)
      • by TopShelf ( 92521 )
        We went through a similar path, just backwards - twins first, then another little one just over a year later. My wife had always planned on working, but besides the monetary concerns, there was also the stress of working and coming home to three little ones. Life is certainly going to change...

        Oh, and another word of advice - keep an eye on the wife as she goes through a double-size hormonal roller coaster. Even if she gets through pregnancy well and wants to return to work, post-partum depression is a p
  • And a thought... As long as daycare is wiping out your wife's income, then maybe she should stay home with the kiddies. That may not sound appealing now, but it might in the coming months.

    Congrats again!

  • Just remember to register 2 of everything for the baby shower. If they are identical twins, are you going to be one of those people who dresses them in the exact same outfit every day?
    • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
      Heh, speaking of clothes hang on to every free clothing item that fits (or will fit); if nothing else even the ugliest outfit makes great spare clothing (for the car or diaper bag).
      • We have seven rubbermaid containers full of baby clothes we saved as we planned on having two. Now having two more, we'll have to do some fill-in, but we'll see how it goes.
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    And congrats! If daycare eats up her whole income, maybe one of you might consider being a stay at home parent? Or maybe you could flex your schedules and save? I hope you guys find a good solution. :-)
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Double the bills, but also double the fun. Congrats to you and your wife.
  • will you be setting up one of those Wish Lists online for those of us who like to send Welcome to the World gifts ?

    I respect anyone who makes a conscious decision to procreate, that definitely deserves a merit badge.
    • I suppose I could do that, but wouldn't know where to really 'start' on that? Amazon? Toys'r'us? Target? Just list a bunch of stuff and an address?
  • Are you thinking about matching names?

    Because the only reason to have children is to get to name them, and the only reason to have twins is to get to give them matching names.

    • Indeed. I suggest Ethelred and Ethelred.



      PS: Congrats! Congrats!

    • Actually, funny you should say that, as it was a topic of conversation. We'll have to see. I like Alexander and Alexis (Xander and Alex), but as child #2 could be a boy as well, I'm not really sure yet. We'll have to see as we have more time for this to really sink in.
      • If you have two boys you just have to give them the same name. You know, like John and Sean, or Andre and Andy, , Carl and Charlie, Enrique and Henry Dwight and Dennis.

        I'm not just not just the president of the kids with the same name club, I'm also a member.
  • ... Its all the same.

    In some ways its best to get it over with quicker.


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