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Journal bethanie's Journal: Question: Pet Names 38

Inspired by Fun Guy's mention of his dog Fezzig (which is SUCH a totally awesome name for a dog!!) I thought I'd put the question out there: What are (or were, if deceased) your animals' names?

I'm sure that among this group we'll have some awesome ones. :-)

(Oh, and in case there's some privacy issue involved, AC posting is enabled. Not so important to know who belongs to whom -- I just wanna hear what cool name you picked out for your pet.)
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Question: Pet Names

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  • When i was growing up my brother had an awesome pheasant hunting dog named Buck.
  • My sister got a cat earlier this year. She wanted to name it after a native american name meanig "white paw". I paid some indian reserve 10$ for the information and the cat is now named "Apeeka", which means "white paw". The fun part is that the cat was supposed to be male, so I indicated it in my request to the indian reserve. When I got a reply, the cat turned out to be female. So this female cat may have a native american male name.

    Not the end of the world...

    We also had the following:

    • Pietesn
  • Deceased:
    Dog: Dusty (Collie/Shepard mix)
    Cats: Dusk and Egypt
    Bird: Pete (parakeet)

    Left with the first wife:
    Cats: Smores and Snickers (no, seriously)

    Alive and kickin': nicknames in () are because of their personalities and/or appearance
    Cats: Ozzie (cat-dog, o-dog), Bailey (pud, pudsley, lump), Taylor (tigger, or sometimes dumbass), and Abigail (Abba, Abbalicious or Priss)
    • by ncc74656 ( 45571 ) *

      Dog: Dusty (Collie/Shepard mix)

      We had a cocker spaniel (American cocker spaniel, more specifically) by that name when I was a kid. Another one (over the course of 10 years, we had four American cocker spaniels and one English cocker spaniel) was named Molly...admittedly an ordinary name, but she bounced back from being run over by a truck, so she sticks out as somewhat special. I ended up giving her name to my current mutt (not sure what she is exactly as she was a pound puppy, but she has the colorat

  • Snowy - She was white stray cat we picked up when we were living in Monterey, California. I was about 4 or 5. She was passingly relatable, but being a stray she had a fairly visible mean streak when she wanted. I don't remember why we didn't take her when we moved to Illinois, but probably had something to do with trying to be in a car with that cat for extended period of time. :P

    Smokey - Another cat we had in California, got from a Navy friend of my dad's who was being transferred overseas and could not
  • by rk ( 6314 ) *

    Deceased dogs: Amber, Ryder, Mouse, Joey, Mariah, Bibit, Jacques, India.

    Dogs we found new homes: Keyser, Romulus, Bishop.

    Deceased cats: Missy, Taz, Smarty, Chinchilla, Sans (kitten), Sam, Ariel, Callisto.

    MIssing cats: Mr. Foo (come back, kitty!).

    Current cats: Puck, Heinlein, Friday, Corky.

    Current ferrets: Elijah Benjamin, Ukiah Jacob, Indigo Victoria, Kittanning Donovan, River, Maxwell Seamus, Octavia Juniper.

  • by Tet ( 2721 )
    • Cat: Loki
    • Cat: Sleipnir
    • Cat: Heimdal
    • Cat: Sigurd
    • Cat: Skadi
    • Cat: Thor


    • Cat: Gizmo (belongs to an ex)
    • Cat: Louie (belongs to an ex)
    • Cat: Mogwai
    • Cat: Astra[1]
    • Rat: Ratty
    • Rat: Thunder
    • Rat: Lightning
    • Rat: Stdio
    • Rat: Ioctl
    • Rat: Stdlib
    • Rat: Curses
    • Rat: Termcap
    • Rat: Unistd
    • Rat: Signal
    • Rat: <many more that I can't remember>
    • Dog: Bertha
    • Dog: Coco
    • Hamster: Herbie

    [1] The most beautiful being ever to walk the face of the earth. I still miss her.

    • by Mantorp ( 142371 ) *
      I see a theme in your current naming convention. Let me know if you need more Nordic names for future pets.

      My daughter named her cat Leia (after Star Wars) once we told her it would not be the name of her at the time future sister. We also have a cat called Baloo and our dog Bagheera just passed away last month.

  • We picked that name because when we got him, he was 4 months old and already 45 lbs. We knew he was going to be big, so we considered various names of giants... BFG [amazon.com], Titan [wikipedia.org], Jolly Green [wikipedia.org], and others before settling on Fezzig - a very strong, very powerful, gentle, lovable, not-very-bright-but-not-quite-as-dumb-as-he-looks giant. As it happens, we used a phonetic spelling which does not match the one in either the book [amazon.com]or the movie [imdb.com].
  • Cocker Spaniel named Gigi - one of my earliest memories, crying in the car as we gave her up to move house.
    Couple of mutts my sister and I took care of as children while living in Saudi. Mine was Concorde, hers was Piggynose

    With my wife and I, we've tried to stick names beginning with M, as the first one we adopted togther was called Max. So his daughter was Molly (short for Molasses as well as being inspired by the William Gibson character), a later addtion was Maggie (renamed from the original owner'
  • Our german shepard mix I named Alexandra, cause my wife wanted to name a daughter that name, and I didn't like it ;)

    When I was growing up we had a dauchaund named 'Brunhilda', which we called 'Bruny' for short.
  • From Childhood:
    • Twinkie - Rabbit from when I was really young
    • Cupcake - Rabbit from when I was really young
    • Muffin - Rabbit from when I was really young (who survived the attack which claimed her siblings and lived to be like 18!
    • Sunshine - Lab/Mutt mix who was standoffish at first but became a snuggly-bear later in laugh
    • Honey - Golden Retriever: she got a triple dose of heart but only a tenth of brain;-)
    • Sofie - Our first cat, we had her all to short of a time before leukemia got her.
    • Pippin - Calico wit
  • Ok, here goes (I'll leave out the current ones):

    • Willie (short tailed)
    • Sven (gray & longhaired)
    • Scrappy (classic "Sylvester the cat" markings)


    • Kelly (black Labrador)
    • Pepper (chocolate Labrador)
    • CC (chocolate Labrador) (The name is an abbreviation for "Chicken Chaser". Yup. I'm a redneck)
    • Goldcoyne (Yellow Labrador)

    Livestock (Yes, we named some of our food):

    • Agnes & Arthur (pigs)
    • Raymond (Cow)
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    Recently deceased fishtank dwellers:
    Casper, (some other goldfish who wasn't with us long enough to be named), shrimpguy 1 and shrimpguy 2

    Current cats:
    Torrie (aka Stinkerbell) and Lilly (aka Psycho)

    "Missing" cats:
    Blackie, Whiskers

    Long departed dogs:
    Inyate (a favorite nethack pet name too :-) ) and Lindy

    Long departed or "missing" hamsters (they are great escape artists):
    Poco oso (little bear), Fluffy, and who knows how many others I can't remember

    And last but certainly not least:
    Crocus (the raven) and a (most
  • Aww, love them all. Hard not to write eulogies!

    Cat: Squeak, for the sound he made when he was little, he was the runt of the litter.

    Dog: Tyke. :)
  • None had particularly interesting names, but....

    Hermit Crab - Henrietta
    Parakeet - Happy
    Rabbit - Oliver
    Dog - Brenna
    Lizard - Larry

    I had another parakeet in college named "Syd", but he needed a better home than I could provide. The girl I gave him to renamed him "Kiwi".
  • Cats:

    "Doctor Livingstone I presume" (doc for short)
    "We the people" (Weether for short)


    "Bird" - albino cockatiel
    "Hagii" - cinnamon cockatiel
    "Xeno" - grey cockatiel


    "D O G" (sounds like DeeOhGee -- Deeoj for short)
    "JayWalker" (jay for short)
    "Number 2" (Tewwie for short)
  • (no, he wasn't spotted)0

    and currently we have a cat named Jazz (who was actually named for her appearance -- non-symmetrical splotches)
  • My dad has allergies, mostly related to cats (my mom had a cat, Beagle, when they got married and had to give him away) but we never had pets except for a year when I had a pet toad named Bob. Bob had a heat rock and I fed Bob crickets. Bob lived well.

    Of course now that we are out of our parents house, my brother and I have talked about what we do when we get pets. I'm in a semi-urban condo so the chance for me to keep a dog and feel like I'm not neglecting the animal are slim. He lives on some big Midw
  • Deceased/Unknown
    • Lady, dog
    • Fido, the busch light drinking coon-hound
    • Amber, my chow-english shepard mix, (1986-2002, RIP)
    • Velcro, cat
    • Tuxedo, cat, perfect Sylvester color patern, had a bad squirrel nest raiding habbit
    • Two early rabbits, don't remember the names
    • Buddy, sis's black cat, hated me
    • Snowball, Sis's rabbit
    • Patch, stray cat
    • Hazel, stray cat, was named before we sexed him, I took to calling him Hank after we discovered the fact
    • Hank Jr., more strays we guessed Hank was the dad, had sinus trouble co
  • Current dogs:

    1. St-Bernard: Heidi (that was her name when I got her)
    2. Newfie: Bear (named after Bear #1)
    3. Husky-Collie: Toby (that was his name when I got him) - a.k.a. FUGLY - because he's so f*ing ugly!!!

    Deceased dogs:

    1. Newfie: Bear (the original Bear)
    2. Tiny: just a huge kind female mutt that my ex couldn't stand :-)


    1. Rocky: squirrel from about 10 years ago
    2. Unnamed squirrel from this summer ... funny how history repeats itself ...
    3. Cockateil: Einstein - because she was such a bird-brain

    As a ki

  • Favorite Pet Ever: The Dog, we called him TD. I was 10 when I named him.

    Cats: Sophie, Nox, Socrates, Diogenes, and Apex.

    Dogs: Sir Cashew Nut III, Boots, Tobias

    Ferret: Lucinda (Lucy) until it was discovered that she was a guy and was renamed Lucious but still called Lucy.

  • Growing up: (all deceased)
    Jake (parakeet)
    Jessica (parakeet)
    Kelly (parakeet; family thinks I'm imaging him)

    Sister's (because they feel like mine):
    Sandy (lab/collie; deceased)
    Meeko (siberian husky)

    Roommate's (because I live with her):
    Lucy (cat/goat/raccoon; as named when adopted from Humane Society)
  • Cats:

    Itty Bitty (black & white female with a birthmark spot just like Marilyn Monroe)
    Toby (male tortoise shell tabby)

    Slytherin (male) and Ssebrina (female) both ball pythons

    My past pets:
    Max and Fish-er-cut (both betas)

    My first cat was named Idjet. I was 5 and couldn't pronounce "idiot", so . . . .

    My pet soul-mate was Fritz, a male silver tabby that I got when he was 3 months old, and I finally had to have him put down at the ripe old age of 19 (human years). I will always miss him.


  • And he garnered for himself the name "Stinky the Wonder Pig", due to how often his cage required cleaning.

  • Ozzy - my wife suggested it when we got him shortly after our wedding. I think she did that so I wouldn't be tempted to give that name to one of the kids...
  • My current Catahoula Puppy [flickr.com].
  • When I lived with my folks:

    Raiza - Saymod (russian dog breed) - Gorbie's wife's name
    Sooty - Hymalain (sp?) cat - Looked like a white cat that had slid down a chimney

    My wife and I:
    Milda - mix cat - Character from a video game (Grandia)
    Clamity Jane - 1/2 russian blue - Character from video game (Wild Arms)

    Pretty much all our pets will wind up being named after video game characters at this point.
  • Lady Aleksandra and Lord Nikolas are the two adopted felines -- generally they're Alex and Nicky which confuses people about their genders.
    Clarissa Dalloway is the pet rat.

    In deceased pets, we have "Harvey the Wonder Hampster", later changed to "Harvina the Angry, Female Hampster". And "Gary the Other Hampster".

    My childhood cat was named Rover. Blame my little bro.
  • I had a silver tabby named Thanatos. He was awesome, smart, and very mischievous. He was the only cat I've known that would actually fetch things you threw for him. And whenever my ex- was being a pain, he'd lock her out of the house, when she was outside smoking. It got to the point that she started taking her keys out with her, just because he would lock her out. He ran away, though, when she decided she was taking him with her to Colorado.
  • My roommate has a cat (a Russian Blue) named Insight. My last dog D`Argo. His full name was Kai's Ka D`Argo. Kai's because he was mine and Ka D`Argo after the Luxan on Farscape. His nicknames were "little shit" and "sweetest puppy ever" because he didn't have a neutral behavior. He was either the best puppy EVAH or he was trying to outsmart me to get his way. Jack Russells are way too intelligent.

    My mother has 2 jack russells named Blossom and Tori. Blossom's nicknames are Blossom Pea, Guard Dog,

  • we currently have two cats, loki, and brio. loki usually just gets called by his name, but brio's collection of nicknames continues to grow: stinky, stinky-bean, beansie, beanie-bot, punky.

    i've had dogs in the past, but they're all deceased now. thor, finnegan, lady, sadie. i liked all of those dogs, but sadie was super awesome.

After any salary raise, you will have less money at the end of the month than you did before.
