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Journal smittyoneeach's Journal: Abject moron claims control over 1/26th of the alphabet 40

You have to enjoy the full context of this cranial rectalitis:
damn_registrars: "You were one of slashdot's foremost purveyors of President Lawnchair's pointless TLA"
me: "FDR, LBJ, BHO, WTF?"
d_r: "We have had the discussion before on why that argument holds no water. Bringing it back up is pointless. Take your fear mongering to a different discussion."
me: "That argument, and the rest of my post, is thoroughly buoyant."
d_r: "Wrong, wrong, wrong. You are full of shit on that one for the same reason you were full of shit on it before. You gave examples of three past presidents who are known by their initials, and I pointed out why they are known by their initials -
The all came from families where others with the same last name were president and/or commonly known as holding elected office in DC
You cannot say the same about Obama. Our government has never had anyone else elected by the last name of Obama. Your argument is invalid, end of story."

Listen, Hot Rod: you don't get to make some arbitrary distinction understood only by you, take the American tradition of referring to Presidents by initials, and bully people into not saying BHO.
Now take your bullying and get thee hence, creep.
You're just being peevish because you straight up lost the 'tantamount' discussion.
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Abject moron claims control over 1/26th of the alphabet

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  • You start by throwing silly insults because you don't want to talk issues.

    Then you parade the enormous faults of your argument for all to see.

    Then for the failure trifecta (tri-fail-ta perhaps?) you pretend that there is some great tradition that you are upholding when you bring up the scary, scary, scary middle initial of the current POTUS. (Funny also how none of the examples you gave are from your party)

    But go ahead, hate me. I can't stop you from doing that if you so choose, you're free to do th
    • Just the First Amendment. As a veteran, I support and defend your right to be an insufferable jackwagon. As I'm now retired, I'm shoveling your crap back atcha.
      • Just the First Amendment. As a veteran, I support and defend your right to be an insufferable jackwagon.

        Hmm, I'm pretty sure someone earlier today just accused me of shifting the topic, perhaps you should have a talk with them since you just shifted the topic rather dramatically there ... oh, wait that was you [].

        But if you want to keep dancing around the topic instead of discussing it, you are free to make that choice. If I was just out to make you look ridiculous I would stop there because I can't make you look anywhere near as absurd as you are making yourself look. However as I would like to actually

        • Listen, clown: YOU are the one trying to weaponize the President's middle initial, not me.
          Peevish, pedantic pettifoggery is your stock in trade. My task is to ensure maximal laughter at your behavior.
          • Listen, clown: YOU are the one trying to weaponize the President's middle initial, not me.

            If you are not trying to use it to incite anger then why use it at all? His last name is all of five letters long and is 100% unique amongst US presidents to date. There isn't even a misspelling of his last name that is vaguely close to his in US politics today.

            You are very obviously making a very deliberate choice to use his middle initial. You are trying to keep the anger revved up any way possible.

            Peevish, pedantic pettifoggery is your stock in trade.

            Coming from the one who changes the topic multiple times per day in a single thread, that is a fant

            • You are very obviously making a very deliberate choice to use his middle initial.

              A "very deliberate" choice? How did you rule out the use of "literally" in this case? Because if you'd thrown in "literally", I'd have been, like, totally caught out in the open, and stuff.

              You are trying to keep the anger revved up any way possible.

              Who is angry, and over what? I'm fascinated by your behavior. Are you:

              1. Somehow religiously offended by the letter "H", when bracketed by "B" and "O"?
              2. A Democrat party attack dog, trained to salivate and bite on sighting of "BHO"?
              3. A sadist bent on dominating dialogue through overwhelming rhetorical jackboots?
              4. A maladjusted ba
              • You are very obviously making a very deliberate choice to use his middle initial.

                A "very deliberate" choice? How did you rule out the use of "literally" in this case? Because if you'd thrown in "literally", I'd have been, like, totally caught out in the open, and stuff.

                Your choice is clearly deliberate because the acronym is not a logical way to describe Obama and is used almost exclusively by people who are trying to remind others of his scary, scary, scary middle name. Furthermore the acronym is not significantly easier to type than his last name, so the argument that you are saving time or effort is also a colander here.

                You are trying to keep the anger revved up any way possible.

                Who is angry, and over what?

                You, of course. Your anger is at a pretty constant 11 over the mere fact that the guy in the white house has a (D), rather than an (R) after his na

                • the acronym is not a logical way to describe Obama

                  His initials are BHO. What's illogical about that? I say you're a bully, no more, no less.
                  (a) I'm not angry
                  (b) The fungibility of the ends of the Progressive Party are about to become very apparent.

                  • the acronym is not a logical way to describe Obama

                    His initials are BHO. What's illogical about that?

                    I already laid out - more than once - what is illogical about it. I won't tell you again, as I can't force you to read it. If you haven't read it any of the times I have said it before then there is no reason to expect that you would read it in the future.

                    I say you're a bully, no more, no less.

                    So says the guy with a grocery list of conspiracy theories that he is convinced warrant the immediate and extralegal removal of the POTUS.

                    I'm not angry

                    Really? All the fear mongering you propagate indicates otherwise.

                    • There is no bullying here, just as there is no great tradition here. Presidents whose last names have occurred only once in federal politics have been referred to by their last names. Ever hear anyone talk about RWR, RMN, DDE, HCH, or GRF? No, of course not.

                      Insisting on calling Obama by his initials is insisting on perpetuating baseless fear in relation to his name rather than the reality of his actions (and inactions).
                    • Yay, you found a distinction. Whoopee. You are teh SMAHT! Nearly as smart as B!-!O himself.
                    • Were you making an argument? You ditched it so long ago that I can't tell if there was ever one there or if you were just making love to your keyboard instead.
                    • Presidents whose last names have occurred only once in federal politics have been referred to by their last names. Ever hear anyone talk about RWR, RMN, DDE, HCH, or GRF? No, of course not.

                      Apparently you've never heard of JFK.
                    • My argument is that mocking your silliness is a fun pastime.
                    • Presidents whose last names have occurred only once in federal politics have been referred to by their last names. Ever hear anyone talk about RWR, RMN, DDE, HCH, or GRF? No, of course not.

                      Apparently you've never heard of JFK.

                      Is your defense of having no point that you have apparently never heard of RFK?

                    • You can call it a platypus, but that won't make it into a monotreme. If the entire body of your argument was dedicated to mocking me, then you could have gotten there a lot quicker. More so, you could have gotten there without making yourself look so ridiculous (repeatedly) along the way.
                    • Were there some way to survey the readership, I'm confident that I would not look the greater ass,
                    • Were there some way to survey the readership, I'm confident that I would not look the greater ass,

                      You are the one who has fooled himself into thinking this site has some sort of significant readership - and you're trying to claim to not be "the greater ass"?

                    • RFK rode his brothers coattails. Are you suggesting that when Moochelle "Lt. Commander Worf" Obama is elected that we can start using BHO?

                      And since when are you the guy who apparently makes all the rules for posters on Slashdot?
                    • You are almost unbearably funny, friend. I can't help but wonder how much damage you could do to the conservative cause if people actually read what you wrote and took you seriously.

                      And since when are you the guy who apparently makes all the rules for posters on Slashdot?

                      Nice one, there. Few people put cherries on turd sundaes with your degree of showmanship. I'm sure you're proud of yourself. Thanks for mixing up the week for me.

                    • Eat a dick you sanctimonious jackass.
                    • Oooh, channeling your inner Thugnificent, there? You should realize:
                      • McGruder's joke is on the conservatives (hence you likely would be offended if you were one)
                      • Your character here would fit in great in Woodcrest, but you'd be running with Gin Rummy and Ed Wunceler III, not the Lethal Interjection Crew (hence your line would be "fuck y'all lookin at?")
              • If words can raise your ire, you have lost the game. Notice, that when you and your little friends attempt to insult me, I ignore it and carry on. I just don't care. Try it some time, it is very liberating.

                Now, d_r does have you on one thing amidst all the silliness. You just can't accept that nothing has changed, we are only further down the same road we have always been on. It's a road that became a six lane superhighway around 45 years ago. This whole mass media personality thing has you so completely ho

                • One reason is that you suggest a regression, to what time, nobody knows

                  No, you're wrong. The Anglosphere emphasis on liberty, private property, and rule of law are what changed, when the country was founded.
                  Progressivism is the regression, as those exceptional bits are replaced by the more human-traditional emphasis on some form of aristocracy lording power over the masses.

                  • Ah yes, the same Anglosphere that treats people as property. And "liberty" my *gosh*, how many times are you going to pull that finger? There are times where I just have to say you're full of it. This is one of them, I guess. I just can't formulate a suitable response to such repetitious bullshit at this time. The best thing to do in such cases is to assume that you are just trolling.

                    • You're right, someone had racist notions, it wasn't perfect from the outset, scuttle everything, accept no effort to alter the situation.
                    • Someone?? It was systematic. A basic part of the culture, and it still is, despite your willful blindness to it. You don't see it, so it *doesn't exist*! You have stated as much several times. That's like saying cops and politicians taking bribes are isolated incidents, when it comes with the territory, part of the job. You're not trying to "alter" anything. You're only trying to bring back the Gilded age. Accept it... The *Great American Novel* of the times has you star struck.

                    • You're only trying to bring back the Gilded age.

                      No, that is the net effect of Progress.

                    • Ah, well, then the pre-civil war era.

                    • No, that's ObamaCare.
                    • :-) The big bang is the only place for you.

  • Interesting, d_r is racist against the founding fathers (and their families).

    I think we hold that somewhat in common, despite me finding out my wife is descended from Squire Boone and Sarah Morgan.

In any formula, constants (especially those obtained from handbooks) are to be treated as variables.
