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Comment Unspoken Assumption of AI Hype (Score 1) 96

is that things being sold as AI aren't just a fraud. We already know that these tools rely on huge amounts of third world labor. I think it's just a matter of time before we discover that these are just elaborate mechanical Turks, and the force behind the "AI" is just low paid humans on the other side of the planet.

Comment Re:regulatory capture (Score 1) 56

No, it wasn't "AI" that came up with this, it was "NS" (Natural Stupidity).

It is breathtaking that a bunch of AI "experts" in academia, who we must presume have advanced degrees, don't seem to have even a rudimentary understanding of how governments work.

Comment Google wants to think they caught this early (Score 1) 58

but there's no way that's actually the case. Amazon and eBay are wormy with this sort of scam, and they put actual effort into combating it. The only reason Google thinks they caught this early is a combination of willful ignorance and wishful thinking.

Comment Spectacularly confused summary (Score 5, Informative) 173

The fusion isn't a fusion of quarks, but of baryons: two Lambda baryons fuse to form a Chi baryon and a neutron, which is analogous to Deuterium/Tritium nuclear fusion. The bottom form of the Lambda to Chi baryon fusion results in about 11x as much energy released as the charmed form.

Anyone who knows anything about subatomic physics would know that you can't have fusion of individual quarks because quarks never occur individually outside of a baryon, so the summary is simply incoherent nonsense.

Comment Re:Devil's advocate (Score 1) 202

Yes, you are giving the CIA way too much credit. However, this is exactly what the FSB would do in order to 1) discredit the CIA, and 2) cover their own tracks. The data dump came through a source known to be associated to, and supportive of Russian interests, so we should actually assume that any misdirection is on the part of the FSB, or other Russian interests. Maybe the CIA, or the NSA, or some other U.S. TLA, has capabilities beyond what are exposed in the Wikileaks data dump, but we should assume that the actual action is elsewhere.

That said, we should all be using strong encryption: no need to make things easy for the bastards.

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