Comment Re:Night owl here - wish we had a 27 hour day (Score 1) 79
If I typed as fast as I thought , 'yes there are adjustments but the fails to mention any of these factors.'
If I typed as fast as I thought , 'yes there are adjustments but the fails to mention any of these factors.'
came here to say this. i also wonder if being forced to operate outside of our natural sleeping patterns are the
Yes, I had the opportunity of living in Finland for some years. The article talks about alignment to the '24 hour passing cycle' of day and night. While the Summers are beautiful in Finland and daylight quite lengthy. The Winter can be quite harsh with minimal daylight and for some days / weeks none at all. IIRC Finland had (maybe still) one of the highest rates of depression in Europe. Back then my employer would bring out special lamps that mocked sunlight, you were asked to take a couple 15 minute breaks daily in these coffee areas with the lights. Others took Vitamin D supplements as well in the Winter. I find the blog lacking some significant points regarding areas of the world similar to Finland where there is a natural shift these elements. Also while jetlag was mentioned, how does this affect someone who moved from USA (not Alaska) to then say a Nordic region or in the case of Alaska, the southern most part from the equator? The whole concept of time, day and night cycle changes, yes there are adjustments but I fail the blog fails to mention any of these factors.
Finnish also has a significant portion of Swedish-speaking people; Swedish is also an official language in Finland.
Last I recall (I left in 2012 lived there for 4 years for a job) it was only 5% and this was mostly only in the southern region and few western regions respectively. I cannot comment on the north. And even back then this was in decline. While you could register at the maistraatti (local magistrat) as a Swedish speaker most of official post would still be delivered in Finnish which for a non fluent Finnish speaker is a PITA. Point being, while Finland presents itself as dual speaking in reality it is not so in its entirety. The local Swedish speaking schools and community was in huge decline at least for the greater Helsinki area at that time
no technical blockers to keep us from creating Linux binaries
Is Microsoft a little late to the wrong party ?
This is the dumbest thing I've read on here today. The headline is misleading. Sounds like the author of the article was doing a tech travel piece, only scimmed it.
If your not able to inform yourself of health risks before traveling to any country then you get what you deserve. On the other hand food poisoning can happen at home or any local restaurant as well. ]
Safe travels.
Meme in 3, 2, 1,
Im not a mobile developer but this indicates the app has hooks into other events, hence my original mention to strace or packet capture. Proving this would validate collusion.
I dont have a Samsung nor do I have a fb account. Dont really want to do either to validate as well.
I disagree either 1 or 0
Its either deleted or not deleted. Whats next ? Shadow delete ? Pseudo delete ?
Also reminds me of the marketing speak "speeds up to
- Cheers
Facebook spokesperson said the disabled version of the app acts like it's been deleted
Its either deleted or its not, disablement is not 'acting' like its deleted.
It doesn't continue collecting data or sending information back to Facebook. But there's rarely communication with the consumer about the process.
FFS, so basically Facebook and Samsung are screwing over the end user and not notifying them of anything. It's great how the service owner of said service along with the manufacturer decide that said pre-installed service is best for the end user out of the box. The only way to be 100% sure besides running the likes of strace or packet capture on the phone would be to root it and uninstall anyway. Seriously what is wrong with these people?
With some rng magic built in maybe this is a way for them to anonymize the ad service providers and all other tracking mechanisms they like to implement.
or analytics services,,,, google crawlers, list goes on and on. Seriously though since late 90's early turn of the century with the initial launch of search which is nowhere near the original purpose of the service, I cannot think of one great advancement google has done to better anything on the web.
nano does this as well, as well as vi now (vim , not lightweight) I wont mention emacs, well because.
nuff said
While your point is noted and hilarious. For a lot of us that have been around for quite a while , this is exactly what is destroying this industry. Remember when company leadership came from engineers and staff was required to know the material ?
Have a One plus X , bought it for 269 â , or something like that a year ago.
Best $mart phone I ever bought for the money. The specs (at the time) were more than enough for what I need it for (I dont play games on the phone) . Call, email, txt , camera, occasional browsing , and news apps.
Has dual SIM and a SD slot. Plus the battery life is amazing, I dont overload it with useless apps either. Most my colleagues at work have One as well , all different models. While the battery servicing is an issue not one of my colleagues has ever had a battery issue. Also maybe we are all engineers and use / charge our batteries properly for longevity.
"Say yur prayers, yuh flea-pickin' varmint!" -- Yosemite Sam