My job is to code. I had a neighbor that worked in a paint factory. He got hurt, and went to school to learn software. Pretty soon, he's coming home talking to me about UML / Booch and other esoteric OOP topics that I barely had a grasp of. I thought, gee, wow, it is amazing to see how fast a blue collar guy can come up to speed. But then it all kind of fizzled out. And I wondered for a long time why that was. How could someone get so far and be able to recite complex comp-sci topics and then give up?
And the answer is, there are (at least) 2 components to being a s/w developer. You need to be able to think and analyze and understand. But you also need to be able to - and more importantly - slog it out to make it work. And it's that slogging out that - at least in my experience - is where you truly grok the information and become effective and confident and useful.
So, that's why I say 'beware'. You might be having one of those 'I know Kung Fu' moments, because you can understand your textbook. And that is a wonderful thing. But unless you cement that knowledge by actually using it - and in particular, by learning to debug hairy problems - it is at risk of floating away.
I mean, I could pick up a cutting edge cardiology book and, given a few weeks, recite and even talk intelligently about topics that most doctors wouldn't know. I could probably impress virtually all of the population with this knowledge. But, I would be a long way from being someone anyone would hire to cut someone open. Balance your book knowledge with practical knowledge. You need a residency.