Comment Re:Just hijacking thé dedate (Score 1) 572
HTML5 isn't going to replace Flash. Proprietary Apple apps are. Proprietary Apple apps already do.
I'm sooo buying Apple stock, you've convinced me.
HTML5 isn't going to replace Flash. Proprietary Apple apps are. Proprietary Apple apps already do.
I'm sooo buying Apple stock, you've convinced me.
I think containing the hot isle is probably the best way to go as well.
* When I'm working in a datacenter I'd rather be walking around in the cold isle (~70-80F in a modern datacenter) than the hot isle (100-120F if properly contained)
This is probably diverging a bit on the original question, but seeing your 70-80 "modern datacenter" range reminded me of something I've wondered about lately: Has anyone researched the tradeoff point between when the server cooling fans start spooling up and turning the temperature up to run a "hot" floor? Running fans at a higher RPM certainly translates into more current draw than if they're running at their lowest speed. Sure, the equipment can stand running hotter and you're being "green" by not running the A/C as much, but are you just trading that for extra power wasted on spinning a whole lot of fans faster?
Exactly when did allowing a paranoid network admin to continue to deny access to critical city systems to anyone but himself become "right"?
Regardless of the mitigating circumstances, Childs was still in the wrong on this one -- having dimwit managers is not an excuse for denying the rightful owners of the systems access.
(1) it unfairly punishes sellers that focus on many small sales
A sales tax is a percentage. 7% of $100 is the same rate as 7% of $1000. If company A made 1,000,000 sales at $1 and Company B made 1 sale at $1,000,000 dollars they would both pay $70,000 dollars in sales tax. How is there anything unfair between Company A and Company B again?
it unfairly punished buyers that need to make any small purchases
No it does not for the same reasons as above.
it does nothing to stop people from just bulk purchasing things so they only every make one "transaction" per month or year (which will only further encourage conglomeration and other creative tax dodging).
Which is why sales tax is a percentage, not a flat amount like $1 per transaction. If that were really true Costco would be 1000 times bigger a company, you would pay for your utilities a year in advance (accounting for an average and receiving a rebate), and we would have refrigerators and freezers the size of Coliseums.
Its a percentage.
In short, there's a reason there's a focus on income and not transactions when it comes to taxation.
Yeah. It's called control. An active tax system that focuses on the People's income and not Corporations allows:
1) The IRS to be created.
2) To be FOUND GUILTY BEFORE INNOCENT, not in a court of the law, but by IRS employees that are allowed to know precisely DICK about your type of business and be completely incompetent.
3) A government entity with the absolute power to seize property, ruin lives, and generally act like complete asshats because of #2.
4) A government entity that rarely pays for its mistakes, while making the People dearly pay for theirs.
5) A government entity that is a complete coward and would rather get a court case dismissed than allow the creation of precedence which could be used by others to defend themselves.
6) A system of tax codes so ridiculously complex that the People, who are the most disadvantaged to understand it, can benefit the least from any knowledge that could be used to avoid 'higher tax liabilities'
7) A system of tax codes so ridiculously complex that the People, who are the most disadvantaged to be represented in their creation, that they are ultimately created by the wealthy, the powerful, and the Corporations. Those with money generally have the means by which to enjoy a substantially reduced 'tax liability'
8) The excuse to violate privacy and inspect the incomes, purchasing habits, and finances of the People.
9) The simple tool possessed by Government and the Influential to ruin lives, and put undue pressure on others to conform to whatever. A tax audit is a serious threat and damaging regardless of innocence. It costs time and money.
10) The ability for Government to gain an incredibly valuable information gathering tool for Intelligence without ever making it look like an Intelligence Gathering Tool.
Let's break down the alternative?
A consumption tax based system.
1) Corporations, not the People, bear the responsibility for compliance. Generally speaking, Corporations can afford tax services (already do), must be aware of the laws and comply with them (mostly so), and already bear the burden of compliance with so many other rules and regulations. Adding another one could hardly make a dent.
2) A passive system, as far as the People are impacted. When you consume something your tax is included. Nothing more complicated than that for the People.
3) Your finances and banking data become truly private again. Unless you are suspected of a crime you can enjoy your privacy in peace, which is what the Founding Fathers intentioned all along.
4) No organization exists that can take away your freedom and property again without due process and treat you as guilty before innocent.
5) To provide benefits for the poor simply do not tax food stuffs.
6) Make the People equal again with Corporations and the Wealthy. When somebody purchases a multi-million dollar private jet they will generate far more taxes than most normal people do in 10 years, instead of it being a write off and not taxed now. It will actually be fair. I could care less that a rich person ultimately pays more taxes, as long as the rate is the same.
You do realize that KDE, for example, also uses the same HTML component - KHTML - for both its standalone browser, and help system
There is a very big difference here you miss.
You're trying to compare the Linux security model with Microsoft's lack of any security model.
The act of compromising a Linux box in any way is a very difficult task, mostly impossible unless you have direct access to the thing.
Windoz on the other hand is the script kiddies wet dream.
Very few windoz users have the knowledge to secure the their boxs and this is clearly evident by the percentage of M$ boxes pwnd by the botnets and variety of worms/viruses/trojans/malware running rampant in the wild.
Give me a break. Pressing the F1 key will kill your system? WTF is going on in redmond? Are these losers all on crack?
New Hampshire believes in an environment where... property taxes pay for police and fire protection...
So if I'm visiting New Hampsire, and I get mugged or pickpocketed on the street, or my car bursts into flame on the highway, I should not expect to call any authorities and have them respond?
What kind of dumb response is this? Paying for police and fire with property taxes is normal for probably every state, and obviously these services aren't limited to residents.
The patent system was not designed to create the latter and applying patents in this way borders on anti-competitive practices.
In my opinion many user interface patents should not be granted in the first place as they lack the necessary degree of inventive ingenuity. They are just anti-competitive 'land grabs'.
"Many user interfaces have been patented, including one of the most enduring, the QWERTY keyboard."
I may be mistaken, but I don't think that the two are comparable.
The patent which includes the QWERTY key layout is focused on the engineering specifics of one particular implementation of a mechanical keyboard. Sholes, the inventor, wasn't trying to claim a patent on "pressing keys to apply ink to paper", or even "rapidly pressing multiple keys". That had all been done before.
This seems very different from today's "user interface" patents, most of which seem to be a thin layer of design laid atop someone else's actual invention. Which is not to user interfaces are unimportant, just that they should not be patentable.
I am not sure I agree. Anonymity on the internet is valuable and important. A domain is kinda formal though. Slashdot for instance is somewhat responsible for the content here. They don't need to really police it but if it were brought to Taco's attention people were arranging drug deals or something they would be obligated to help, the authorites.
All and all I think its a good point of balance; if you are going to have your own domain there should be a responsible part that can be easily determined and contacted when needed.
Nobody said computers were going to be polite.