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Comment Re:I wouldn't worry... (Score 1) 1123

I couldn't agree more. I don't have a degree. I don't even have a qualification in IT. I have a diploma in multimedia. I'm self learned in computers and programming.

I work for one of the largest data storage device manufacturers as a server technician. Although the requirements for the job stated a degree, I still got the job because computers aren't just something I studied in college in order to make loads of money. It's something I love working with and have an aptitude for. The recruiters and interviewers saw that and that's why I got the job.

Birth of a New African Ocean 261

Khemisty writes "Formation of an ocean is a rare event, one no scientist has ever witnessed. Yet this geophysical nativity is unfolding today in one of the hottest and most inhospitable corners of the globe. Africa is splitting apart at the seams. From the southern tip of the Red Sea southward through Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Mozambique, the continent is coming unstitched along a zone called the East African Rift." This stretching of the earth's crust has been going on for 20 million years, and within another 10 million the Red Sea will have broken through to create a new sea.

Pandora Console Ready For Pre-Orders 309

Croakyvoice writes "Finally, months after the official announcement, 3,000 lucky people can now pre-order Pandora, possibly the world's fastest handheld console. It boasts a processor capable of up to 900 MHZ, PowerVR 3D graphics, a large 800x480 LCD touchscreen, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB, dual SD card slots, TV out, dual analogue and digital controls, a clamshell DS Lite-style shape, and a 43-button mini keyboard. The console already boasts an amazing amount of ready-for-release software such as Ubuntu and many full-speed emulators for systems such as Snes, Amiga, Megadrive, and many more that are not publicly announced yet. The console is as powerful as the original Xbox and on a par with the Nintendo Wii. Those interested should visit OpenPandora.Org. For the full history of Pandora from inception until the present, check out the Pandora Homebrew Site."

Submission + - Drop in replacement for Exchange now Open Source (zarafa.com) 1

Fjan11 writes: Over 150 man years of work were added to the Open Source community today when Zarafa decided to put their successful Exchange server replacement under GPLv3. This is not just the typical mail-server-that-works-with-Outlook, it is the whole package including 100% MAPI, web access, tasks, iCal and Activesync. (The native syncing works great with my iPhone!.) Binaries and source are available for all major Linux distros from the link. So there goes one of the last reasons to run windows server; just reformat; put your favorite Linux flavour on with Zafara and you are now free of MS tax (and silly mailbox limits!). If you listen closely you can hear chairs flying in Redmond.
The Internet

Berners-Lee Wants Truth Ratings For Websites 535

holy_calamity writes "While introducing the new World Wide Web Foundation Tim Berners-Lee made also asked for a system of ratings to help people distinguish truth and untruth online. 'On the web the thinking of cults can spread very rapidly,' he said, saying that 'there needed to be new systems that would give websites a label for trustworthiness once they had been proved reliable sources.'"
Wireless Networking

Submission + - $10 short range 5Gbps wireless chip demonstrated

mickq writes: "The Age reports that Melbourne scientists have built and demonstrated a tiny 5mm per side CMOS chips that can transmit 5Gbps over short distances — about 10m — featuring a tiny 1mm antenna, a power amp that is only a few microns wide, and a low 2watt power consumption . "GiFi" appears set to revolutionise short distance data transmission, and transmits in the relatively uncrowded 60GHz range. Best of all, the chip is only about a year away from public release, and will only cost around AUD$10 (US$9.20) to produce."

Submission + - CNN Fires Producer Over Personal Blog (huffingtonpost.com)

dangerz writes: "CNN has fired one of its producers because of his personal blog. Chez Paziena, the ex-producer, has stated that he started the blog "mostly to pass the time, hone my writing skills, resurrect my voice a little, and keep my mind sharp following the [brain tumor] surgery." After a few months, CNN found out about it and ended up letting him go because his "name was "attached to some, uh, 'opinionated' blog posts" circulating around the internet." Read more at his website or at The Huffington Post."

Submission + - AMD open sources the AMD Performance Library (burntelectrons.org)

bluephone writes: "Today AMD announced that they're now opening the source to the AMD Performance Library (APL) under the Apache license. The newly opened code is now hosted at SourceForge (the corporate overlord of Slashdot) under it's new name, Framewave. Phoronix says, "The AMD Performance Library / Framewave covers a multitude of operations from simple math operations to media processing and optimizations for multi-core environments." No word as to if it does your laundry. The SourceForge page says that while AMD is "sponsored" by AMD, it is "very much an open-source venture. While AMD will continue to participate in and contribute to the project, third-party developers are welcome and encouraged to implement all or part of the code base and/or to create derivative works." Being Apache licensed, it's quite open, so this doesn't seem to be mere lip service."

Submission + - Google funds work for Photoshop on Linux (blogspot.com)

S point 2 writes: "Googlehas announced that they have hired Codeweaers, maker of the popular Wine software to make Photoshop run better on Linux.

"We hired CodeWeavers to make Photoshop CS and CS2 work better under Wine," Dan Kegel, of Google's software engineering team and the Wine 1.0 release manager, said on Google's open-source blog. "Photoshop is one of those applications that desktop Linux users are constantly clamoring for, and we're happy to say they work pretty well now...We look forward to further improvements in this area."

It is unknown whether or not the entire Creative Suite will be funded for support, but for the time being it seems Photoshop-on-Linux development is getting a new priority under Google."


Journal Journal: Quake Live Beta Program

Quake Live, formerly known as Quake Zero, has found an advertising sponsor. IGA Worldwide is now signed on to be the exclusive ad broker for id Software's upcoming web based Quake 3 rebirth.

Quake Live will be a free-to-play version of Quake 3, with the intent of being easy to pick up and play, much like other upcoming titles such as Battlefield Heroes from EA and the GarageGames TRIBES spiritual successor Fallen Empires: Legion.


A Comparative Study of Internet Censorship 195

An anonymous reader suggests we visit the home of the watchdog group Global Integrity for a breakdown of online censorship: "Using data from the Global Integrity Index, we put a US court's recent order to block access to anti-corruption site Wikileaks.org into context. In summary: This is unheard of in the West, and has only been seen in a handful of the most repressive regimes. Good thing it doesn't work very well... The whole event seems to encapsulate the constant criticism of governance in the United States: that the government has been captured by corporate interests, and that the world-leading rule of law and technocratic mechanisms in place can be hijacked to serve as tools for narrow, wealthy interests."

Fidel Castro Resigns 728

Smordnys s'regrepsA writes "Fidel Castro, the leader of the island nation of Cuba has declined the possibility of keeping his seat as President, after the February 24th National Assembly election. "I neither will aspire to nor will I accept — I repeat — I neither will aspire to nor will I accept, the position of president of the council of state and commander in chief," Castro wrote almost 19 months after a severe illness caused him to hand power temporarily to his brother Raul."

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