Now if they'd just pay similar attention to solar power equipment.
Nearly all solar power smart electronics is not just contract manufactured in China, but is actually rebranded Chinese designs or Chinese/US co-designs, with the base firmware having been Chinese even if tweaked by the US brand.
It has long been suspected that there are "remote brick-it" back doors in it, suitable for shutting down solar power installations should some US-China dispute arise, both shutting down residential, small industrial, and solar farm power and destabilizing the grid by making much of the (currently substantial) solar power input disappear.
In November, Deye (manufacturer of the premier model of their own branded "all in one box", also that of Sol-Ark (USA/North America), Sunsynk (UK) and inverex (Pakistan)), proved it existed by activating it, bricking a number of Deye branded systems, mainly in Puetro Rico.
This appears to have been fallout of a dispute over regional exclusive marketing and non-compete agreements with their OEM rebrand customers. But it shows the world, including state actors and ransomware artists, that the backdoor is already there and exploitable in their products, and raised again the issue that the CCP may mandate such remotely-exploitable backdoors in ALL Chinese-manufactured solar equipment.
(It also exposed that, even though the cloud-"Service" remote administration "features" of Sol-Ark had been moved from a Deye server in China to a new service on a Sol-Ark server in North America, the Sol-Ark box still "phoned home" to, and could be administered by, BOTH servers. Not due to the bricking, but by a user noticing, years after the move, that the old account and service still worked, and posting about it in the discussion, and by others using traffic monitoring tools on their networks.)