Comment Re:plain text internet (Score 1) 180
I don't think the PRE tag was available until RFC-1866, HTML 2.0.
I don't think the PRE tag was available until RFC-1866, HTML 2.0.
maybe slack will die and we can start using IRC again.
Massive amounts of boilerplate code?
I guess we've been using different SVR4 variants. I just use a case statement to test the first argument...
My beef with upstart et al is that they disable, instead of deprecating, old init. That means now I have to maintain at least three sets of scripts instead of two (sysv, bsd) for software distribution.
And what the hell was wrong with inittab? Let's see, it's succinct, works, and is fully debugged.
Please don't send him to live in Northern Canada. The first time he slips and breaks his leg, he'll wind up using our free healthcare.
There are Wankel-type sleds, but I think to say that they are the norm is misleading in the extreme. I don't think I've ever seen one that wasn't either a two or four stroke piston engine.
Are there even Wankel engines that have seals good enough for EPA/CARB besides that gem in the Mazda RX-8?
Not to point too fine a point on it, but our "friendly" neighbour to the south thinks it owns part of the arctic and can operate there without impunity.
We need to be able to patrol it. Helicopters and Snowcats are not cost-effective patrol vehicles. We also need under-ice sensing and patrol capabilities.
Insert a disk containing the program you want to run. Type PR#6 and push enter.
I'm going to write a malware installer that appears to simply be an installer for Windows XP......but it makes sure you are connected to the internet first.
Paint your wall with magnetic paint and ground it.
Heh. Maybe we should add some Klingon Opera to our repertoire!
Their reaction must produce, O2-, they must have to do something with it, it's not like you can put it into a bottle and forget about it, we are talking large-scale here.
Oh shit, my brain is clearly not working up to speed this morning.
O2- + O2- => O2
I guess we can release oxygen gas into the atmosphere without significant concern.
....what are they going to do with all the free oxygen radicals?
Most civilized countries have health care provided by the government, not [directly] the employer.
Employer-funded health care is lose-lose. It is a public health disaster. It turns employees with family members having "pre-existing conditions" into slaves. They might not be picking cotton or calling the boss man "massa", but they are slaves nonetheless, and slavery is WRONG. The only people who win are the plantation owners. Er, I mean, the top 1% of Romney's 47%.
Last I heard British motor ways still had speeds posted in mph. Don't ask me why.
I believe statutory rape in most jurisdictions requires the intent to have sex.
It's a criminal offense. It requires mens rea. This is bullshit.
Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images. -- Jean Cocteau