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Comment Crossword Puzzles (Score 1) 179

I am yet to see any AI of the LLM type compose a meaningful crossword, despite the problem requiring a simple bin-packing algorithm against word frequencies for a language. For the most, they don't even consider constructing a suitable grid before filling it - which is just weird, and demonstrates a lack of divide and conquer. So, for analysis - none. For search, considering how they fail to engage in critical thinking, some but with a huge pinch of 'verify it independently' salt. For copying existing well-known patterns, definitely.

Comment Re:Who approves this stuff? (Score 1) 123

Yeah - I'm pretty sure that Colossal are far more interested in grinding out those breakthroughs than they are in the Dodo - the patent/licensing on those technologies will be one huge cash cow: It's not about if they can do it, so much as if they can make those breakthroughs before anyone else. The Dodo stuff is pure window dressing.

Comment This is GM research (Score 1) 123

Let's not imagine that there's $400m invested in the dodo. It's about developing new genetic modification systems which can then be used to birth any creature of the imagination. Nobody wants a breeding population either. Every single `golem` will be licensed and patented. You think that GM soy is an issue? Just wait until you see blue-eyed 'perfect' Barbie babies for sale.

Comment 'Major Release' ... or not? (Score 2) 14

The change difference from 10.8 isn't huge, and for those who don't know it, Apple has been keeping FCP up to date regularly since it migrated to 10. My experience of FCP on Apple Silicon is extremely positive. They were built for each other - and with a flagship device running flagship software, it's no surprise to see full multi-layer, composite 4K 90 minute HDR/2020 HLG video being rendered in about six minutes flat. Yeah, it needs a lot of good storage - but what else is news?

Comment Bad Form (Score 1) 1605

Now maybe we do things differently in a democracy but claiming victory before you cross the line is just bad form. Even more when the results of the only votes that matter are far from counted. As of 8:30UTC, Trump has 266 votes. If, and by all means I would agree the chance is slim, the votes for Harris push her to the post, this sort of claim and announcement is tantamount to inciting violence.
What I really don't get is why so many people in USA want a civil war. Maybe they forget that they will lose the entire US hegemony through it, which in turn will transform the USA from being the spoilt rich kid to the starving match girl. But these things happen.. Portugal was once a huge global empire - now it's farmers. The same for Spain, and for Holland. Of course the UK (and to some degree Frances) continues to think of itself as a world leader, much to the embarrassment of its friends.

Comment Signing The Card (Score 1) 136

Even in Europe and the UK, where we are completely used to not signing payments we must still sign the card when we receive it, and we are not meant to use it if it remains unsigned. I guess the reason for that is that if it is unsigned, we could disclaim that we made the purchase - ie, it's as much to do with proof of receipt of the card as anything else. But IANAL, so who knows.

Comment Re: Will it be supported on Android? (Score 1) 39

Being cheaper is definitely a good approach to marketing - but your post didn't say that: you said 'not being apple' was the reason to buy android. Being expensive and being apple are two different things: there are iphones which are not (so) expensive and there plenty of non-apple phones which are expensive. Android is a closed source system being operated by a company who holds a monopoly on its services. If you read the article you posted, the argument for apple being an advertising company is pretty weak, and does nothing to put google into the light: Apple receives Google payouts to ensure that google is the default home page on Safari. So Apple's foray as an 'advertising company' totally depends upon accepting huge sums from Google. While the 'premium listing' aspect of the appstore isn't particularly savoury, neither does it represent a key activity of Apple: they could remove it entirely and wouldn't even notice. So android is cheap and apple is expensive - but both are closed, commercial products controlled by two of the largest companies on the planet. I was pointing out that, once Linux/FOSS can stabilise its front-end, mobiles might (at last) become hardware platforms rather than blended composites.

Comment Re: Will it be supported on Android? (Score 1) 39

That indicates very poor marketing: To sell a product because customers don't want an alternative is never going to be a USP. If I were not going to have an iPhone, my choice would be a pure linux phone - not android. Google is an advertising company - and, in my books, advertising correlates to distortion of facts motivated by financial gain -> dishonesty -> evil (especially so when public education does not teach critical thinking throughout the curriculum). Apple is, meanwhile, a 'luxury tech' company - where profits are based upon perceived value through superiority of design; one could argue that the design/fashion is evil too - but, for me, it is far less obnoxious than advertising. Why do I not have a linux phone? I probably will one day soon - but we need to see a toehold in desktops before considering phones, IMO.

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