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Comment IDE .. copilot? (Score 1) 57

I guess I could go with IDE .. but the real winner has been github copilot, just reading my mind and having so much code ready for autocomplete as I type. It seems like half of my coding is hitting tab lately.

Don't get me wrong, it makes mistakes, I often have to edit, or undo .. but that's often balanced by times that it suggests something before my brain had even gotten to the next step.

Brave new world ...

Comment Question the facts in the premise (Score 2) 288

While I won't contest that it's been a remarkable year, it doesn't help when facts in the premise are in question. for example:
"Death Valley reached 130 degrees Fahrenheit, the highest temperature ever measured on the planet" ... except, this isn't quite accurate.

While there are some trying to invalidate that claim, it doesn't change the fact that it was pretty darn hot and pretty darn close to the same. I'm just saying, state your premise correctly, or all that follows is suspect.

Comment Re:DROPlets (Score 1) 303

I always likened the danger of contracting an airborne virus to the possibility of smelling someone's bad breath.

This. I've been saying this or more like smelling someone's perfume... Ever have someone walk in the door and you can smell them in the back? That really makes you wonder about dispersal and ventilation.

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