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Comment Re:8-inch floppies in the 1990s? (Score 1) 111

Germany's Brandenburg class F123 frigates were commissioned in the mid 1990s, so it is understandable that floppy disks were seen as a handy removable storage medium.

No. No, it is not. When I was in high school or early college, circa 1995, I bought some 8-inch floppy drives and disks on a surplus sale just for grins. They had been obsolete since before I was born.

"Commissioned" is when they started service. But they were planned in the 1980!

Given the development model of such very complex projects, going back and redoing the computers would be an impossible task: That was the time of very rapid change. If they had had to redo part of the design, they would never have been finished, because we got a significantly upgraded much more capable IT device generation every two to three years! Today speed of change does not compare.

Also, why would they???

The purpose of the design was to achieve certain non-IT goals. If the systems they chose did so reliably, why change the design? And no, t
that would NOT be quick and easy. Anyone who thinks that has never worked on a truly complex project, and here it's across many vendors, with much stricter requirements than usual, and for long-term deployment and maintenance of decades.

Comment different vs differently (Score 1) 33

In this case though it's arguably alright to use "different".

As in "Let's do something different!" - It does not have to be used as an adverb. You can argue about the sentence structure, sure, but you misunderstand the role of language. Years ago, the more stuff I read about and from linguists the more relaxed I became. Turns out those studying language are far more relaxed about such things.

As so often, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Those who know some rules now take them for religious gospel. In reality, language rules are descriptive rather than prescriptive.

Schools give the opposite impression, which is fine, if you let everyone do whatever without there being a common foundation we end up with a Babylonian language nightmare. However, in the end people are free to use language in whatever way the want. A lot of words used today changed meaning and usage, often quite radically.

So, relax. You know what he wants to say right away - his language works perfectly fine.

Comment OT: I misclicked your rating (Score 1, Offtopic) 233

I'm posting this dummy text because when I post in a thread my moderation points that I just used here are removed. I accidentally downvoted when I wanted to upvote. Why can't Slashdot give me the option to change my moderation, like any other website does that allows voting on comments?

Comment Of course we knew that (Score 2) 120

That eating sweets was bad for the teeth is common enough knowledge pretty much everywhere. but as you can easily see, it has little to no effect on the population.

What surprised me was the HUGE effect - that the problems went down to zero, and I'm not even doing anything extreme. I mean, I don't even try to avoid every last grain of sugar.

Before that I would have expected for the problems to become less, maybe even much less. But down to zero??? And I can now do pretty much whatever I want, without any punishment from my teeth, as I mentioned, even not brushing teeth is okay.

There is even more:

I used to always have teeth that required the occasional use of special toothpaste that had a very high fluoride content. When I only used normal toothpaste - even though it still had fluoride - my teeth would soon start to hurt, just being touched by the toothbrush was painful on some teeth.

I have been using zero(!)-fluoride toothpaste for the last couple of years! No problems at all. If I had tried that 10 years ago it would have been terrible.

So, knowing "too much sugar is bad for teeth" did not prepare me for the shear magnitude of the effect!

Comment Against cavities: Cut the sweet stuff (Score 4, Interesting) 120

A personal anecdote - but one approved and confirmed as general dentist wisdom by a friend of mine who is a dentist.

I always had problems with cavities, since my youth there never was a dentist visit where they didn't drill. About 7 years ago I drastically cut back on sugar, not because of teeth but because of other issues (now resolved).

I used to be a typical German: I could not live without a bakery. I ate loads of bread, pasta, pizza (but actually good one) - and between meals not infrequently cookies or a piece of cake. I also ate quite a lot of chocolate and other sweets, always desert. LOTS and lots of fruit (self-made fruit salad!)

Before I give you the wrong idea that I may have to mention I never had a weight issue, I was very active too..Not that you think what I'm saying only applies to obese people and so what I'm writing does not apply to others. I could easily - and I mean easily - run a half marathon (never tried more than that), just for fun.

Anyway, my health issues forced me to experiment. To cut the story short and leave out all the experiments and everything in between, without consulting any book or "nutritionist", only learning to read and listen to what my own body was telling me, I ended up eating very few "carbs" (not the chemical meaning of the word but the kinds of foods). I almost never buy anything from the bakery, except for (very good!) white bread, which lasts two weeks or so (or even more). NO chocolate, no cake, no cookies. Very few fruits, and even less of the sweet kinds of fruits. Almost never bread, almost never pasta, almost never potatoes. NO SUGAR. Again, no extremes: I'm sure one or the other salad dressing I got when I didn't eat at home had sugar. I would not even mind eating a piece of cake now and then - if only I had any appetite for that stuff. I never do, not any more.

I don't have to force myself to any of it, it comes naturally now!

On the other hand, I eat a lot less meat than in the past too. Again not because of some "nutrition advice" that I follow, I really can't!

But I could never eat something as extreme as an Atkins diet. I _do_ need carbs (that's why the white bread), just very little. I could also never go without meat, go full vegetarian. No extremes (unless "No sweets" is something you consider extreme).

What I eat a lot more of: Fat and vegetables. Fat in the form of olive oil, nuts (lots! - what is the English word for "Nussmus"??? Darn!), cream. Quite abit of dairy, but zero milk, all in the form of cheese and other kinds of milk that went through bacterial processing.


I have suddenly had ZERO problems with my teeth for years! A complete change! And I don't even need to brush my teeth. Okay, for breath :-) Not a single cavity anywhere. My dentist friend just said "Of course, if you leave out the sugar that's to be expected."

Comment In this context... (Score 4, Informative) 72

Here is a link to a question that sheds some light on aspects pretty much always overlooked in discussions. Most people don't seem to understand what the issue is because very few people participating in these discussions own patents or ever thought much about it.

Basically, the issue is this:

If a company, let's say a biotech company, owns patents - not on software, on _anything_ - finds that Facebook infringes on their patent they cannot sue them if they happen to use one of Facebook'S projects. So if Facebook were to start a spinoff that uses IP from the biomedical company they can do so, they wrote a blank check fro themselves. You have to trust them not to do that.

The above is not a statement of fact, it's the question that still is open (see link). The one answer there from yesterday (the Q itself is from Oct 2016) does not actually answer it either.

Comment Re:Facebook and Google are now in SERIOUIS trouble (Score 2) 204

Noishkel wrote:

There's a real solid chance that Facebook is screwed.

From the article (if only people read before commenting):

The company about a year ago said that it would move away from ads on Facebook that target specific consumers, after finding that ultra-niche targeting compromises reach and has limited effectiveness.

The very next sentence though:

P&G indicated it wouldn’t pull back on overall Facebook spending.

Comment When posting links (Score 4, Informative) 238

Especially when posting a link to a video you should include a _summary_. That video is actually pretty good, based on the responses here I expected something much worse.

About the video:

Statistics: ~9 million views, 191,330 upvotes vs. 3,585 downvotes

The video is in support of the point raised in this story, "this time it's different", and they raise a few good points in support.

After watching the video I don't understand the response by drinkypoo about the horses, it does not seem to fit with what is said in the video _at all_.

The video comes with a link to a reddit trhead about it:

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