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Submission + - Russia Tests World's Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb (

mahesh_gharat writes: Russia has tested the "Father of all bombs," a conventional air-delivered explosive that experts say can only be compared with a nuclear weapon in terms of its destructive power.The device is a fuel-air explosive, commonly known as a vacuum bomb, that spreads a high incendiary vapour cloud over a wide area and then ignites it, creating an ultra-sonic shock wave and searing fireball that destroys everything in its wake.

A Russian state TV showed the test site, which "looked like a lunar landscape", including the shattered remains of a town, following the blast at an undisclosed location recently."The results of tests of the aviation explosive device have shown that it is comparable with nuclear weapons in its efficiency and potential," armed forces deputy chief of staff Alexander Rukshin told journalists. But, he added, "it is environmentally friendly, compared to a nuclear bomb, and it will enable us to ensure national security and at the same time stand up to international terrorism in any part of the globe and in any situation."

In 2003 the US tested a vacuum device, officially called the Massive Ordinance Air Blast weapon, which was quickly dubbed the "Mother of All Bombs" by American commentators. Russian experts are referring to the allegedly mightier Russian incarnation as the "Father" — the Russians claim their new weapon is much smaller than the US vacuum bomb, but four times more powerful.

Read the news here: Bloomberg or USA Today for photos.


Journal Journal: Ethanol And Brazil: The New Global Energy Brand?

When it comes to energy, Brazil is on its way to becoming a "global brand." Although the United States recently outpaced Brazil in ethanol production, Brazil is by far the leader in sugar-based ethanol. Its exports are growing, and it could become a major energy supplier to the world. But what Brazil is particularly known for is its grand conversion-moving almost 40 percent of its automotive fuel from gasoline to ethanol.

Submission + - Why "Yahoo" Is The #1 Search Term On Googl

An anonymous reader writes: Google Trends indicates that over the course of the past year the search term "Yahoo" became more popular than "sex", making it the #1 query on Google. Yahoo apparently faces a similar dilemma with roles reversed: When you search for "Google" on Yahoo, Yahoo thoughtfully displays a second search box as if to tell you, "Hey cutie, you have a search engine right in front of you!"

A puzzling phenomenon? An strange aberration? he-1-search-term-on-google-and-why-website-owners- shouldnt-rely-on-search-engines-alone.html

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