Comment 'Fixed' the lazy AI? (Score 4, Funny) 31
The recompiling will continue until morale improves.
The recompiling will continue until morale improves.
A deserved victory, even given the competition. It wasn't a perfect game by any means (honestly one of the worst camera implementations I have ever seen in any game, let alone one of this budget and pedigree), but compared to most of what the industry has been putting out in general and in the rpg space in particular, it was head and shoulders above.
Lots of polish and attention to detail with regards to the story and side quests, and it's a massive gift to the tabletop rpg community; several of my friends' kids have picked up D&D as a result of playing BG3 and wanting more of the same.
How many of these uninstalls due to failed youtube blocking resulted in not abandonment of adblocking in general, but rather a switch to a different adblocker that continues to shut down YT ads?
Myself, I've had no problem with ublock origin; every time I find an ad showing up I'm simply reminded to update the filters and the problem is already solved.
"Please don't regulate us, in contrast to 99% of our actions to date, we're going to do good things for consumers instead of the bottom line this time, pinky swear."
"Look at our 'responsible' code of conduct that sets standards in a way that makes it exceptionally difficult for anyone without our giant pile of exiting resources and technological head start to get into the market and compete with us. You should totes set any regulation to match this because we're so responsible."
From what I've seen, the major causative factor seems to be trying to gouge the heck out of AI projects which, given the current buzz, might tend to have a lot of disposable capital on hand they're willing to throw at huge datasets in order to jump start themselves. Many of them have already hoovered up tons of reddit through the api, and with the ipo intentions, leaving even potential money on the table is a no-no.
The 3rd party apps were just non-regrettable collateral damage.
Right? I just launched an ad-free youtube player myself. It's the same one I've been launching for years every time I start my browser with an ad-blocking extension installed.
If a game is receiving hundreds or thousands of bad reviews because it's a bad game, that's not review-bombing, that's reviewing. People are saying these games suck because they suck. The re-released versions are completely shit when compared to the originals.
It's not a difficult leap to make: if you want consistently good reviews for your game, make a good game. Extremely good and/or popular games seem (at least from my own limited perspective) to be largely immune to review-bombing due to the actions or behavior of a company or its employees anyway, simply because most 'causes' are typically short-term outrage at best. Regardless of a company's reputation or history, the new shiny object generally distracts the masses with ease.
"In theory" is sadly the best anyone may get out of wikipedia. I gave up contributing years ago; the amount of effort required to argue any point (even well-sourced ones) with a fanatical power-editor who has 'claimed' a particular subject's page or pages isn't worth it. As others have pointed out here in these comments, wikipedia is, at best, a starting point to find your own sources and come to a better conclusion.
Because Discord is a modern piece of shit?
When you consider that the launch lineup was so tiny as to be almost negative, it doesn't come as a shock that the only truly notable title sold as many units as the console.
I still don't see the market for the Switch, given its less-than-competitive performance; it just feels like Nintendo is counting on the gimmick to hit the same lucky timing the Wii did. I'm no expecting much longevity, particularly given the brisk pace that smartphones set as far as portable performance.
Well, according to the FCC filing, at least, it does have Bluetooth:
Probably right about that single gig of Ram, though, but I expect that this baby might be just as accurately named the 'Barnes&Noble Cut As Many Costs As We Possibly Could Because Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ We're Really Desperate For Money'.
"An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of code." -- an anonymous programmer