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Comment And away we go... (Score 2) 298

Finally reality has caught up with this inflated bubble. The lack of retailers accepting bitcoin as payment method and the horrible scaling issues which rendered micro payments impossible really made BTC a horrible option for what it actually was meant to be used for. Let just hope that the next big cryptocurrency can be used for anything other then speculation. Personally I spent my tiny investment a couple of weeks ago. The main SELL signal for me was when Steam stopped accepting BTC.

Submission + - 'Let's Encrypt' project to issue first free digital certificates next month (thestack.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Let’s Encrypt, the first free and open certification authority, will launch to the general public in September, with its first digital certificates issued over the next month. The project is funded by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG), a new Californian public-benefit group backed by leading tech firms including Mozilla, The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Cisco. The platform was announced by the consortium last year with the goal of offering SSL certificates free of charge, promoting the importance of encryption and HTTPS for a secure cyberspace. Let’s Encrypt’s root certificate will be cross-signed by IdenTrust, a public key CA owned by smartphone government ID card provider HID Global. Website operators are generally hesitant to use SSL/TLS certificates due to their cost. An extended validation (EV) SSL certificates can cost up to $1,000. It is also a complication for operators to set up encryption for larger web services. Let’s Encrypt aims to remove these obstacles by eliminating the related costs and automating the entire process.

Submission + - Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge launches news service (falkvinge.net)

lillgud writes: Rick Falkvinge, the founder of the first Pirate Party, unveiled a news service to compete against "old media". The storys will be maximum three sentances and distributed as images, thus avoiding ad block. The service is targeted to be operational in Q3 and each writer will be payed in accordance to a revenue sharing model and the calculations points towards each writer targeted to receive €125/month for 12 sentances.

Comment A small step in the right direction (Score 1) 138

I consider this to be really good news, although the Facebook mails might not be the number one prio for applying encryption... besides when used for password recovery.

First it raises awareness about PGP which might cause more people to use PGP to encrypt and sign their emails.
Secondly I hope that more communities (LinkedIn, Twitter etc) follow this and thus raises even more awareness.

When will /. implement a similar mechanism?

Submission + - Facebook Now Supports PGP To Send You Encrypted Emails

An anonymous reader writes: You can now have Facebook encrypt email it sends to you by adding your PGP key to your profile. The PGP feature is "experimental" and will be rolled out slowly. The announcement reads in part: "...today we are gradually rolling out an experimental new feature that enables people to add OpenPGP public keys to their profile; these keys can be used to 'end-to-end' encrypt notification emails sent from Facebook to your preferred email accounts. People may also choose to share OpenPGP keys from their profile, with or without enabling encrypted notifications."

Submission + - Swedish Police Raid The Pirate Bay Again. (torrentfreak.com)

o_ferguson writes: TorrentFreak is reporting that police in Sweden carried out a raid in Stockholm today, seizing servers, computers, and other equipment. At the same time The Pirate Bay and several other torrent-related sites disappeared offline. Although no official statement has been made, TF sources confirm action against TPB. This is not the first time that this has happened.

Comment Re:quick question (Score 2) 212

The "certificate authority that issues free certificates to any website" can actually be one or many of the CAs that is popular today. This is just a new protocol for the way to get a certificate signed by one of these CAs. So if some CA issues as a cert to the NSA for your domain right now there is nothing here that prevents that CA for doing it when using this new protocol.

Comment Re:I got an idea (Score 1) 326

No need. FRA will not just monitor email, sms and telephone traffic -- they will also monitor "normal" surfing. This is a much simpler way to (perhaps) trigger some alarms:
WORDS="bomd nuclear+bomb jihad destroy+the+Swedish+government bomb+assembly+guide kill+Fredrik+Reinfeldt"
for i in $WORDS; do
wget -U 'fittfra' http://www.google.com/search?q=$i

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