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Comment Re:Not that new (Score 1) 121

Back in the 80's, basically, we used O'scopes to record what people typed on their keyboard from way outside the building and wrote up reports on the info that were always classified. You always want a COMSEC mission report to be Un-Classified. There are so many ways to gain intel when the target is not TEMPEST hardened. Most security minded computer operators and/or security personnel have basic COMSEC imbedded in their mentality. The thing is to pass that on...

Comment Re:Yea Right... (Score 1) 137

Actually, TMK, most of us get up around sunrise and go outdoors. Maybe to spend the day at the beach (if they are not working). For sure the children do and to look at most of them.... something else is going on. Diet? I really think the small sample of the test was not enough to make judgment or rather a scientific proof/theory be valid.

Submission + - Mozilla Handing Out Free Firefox OS Developer Phones To Bolster App Marketplace (

MojoKid writes: Is the world really ready to shift from native apps to HTML5 Web apps? Probably not, at least not in North America yet, but developing nations may see it differently. That's the hope with Firefox OS, a web-based operating system that's (in theory) a lot more open. Of course, one needs only look at Microsoft's battle to get Windows Phone into a place of competition to realize that gaining market share is no easy task, which is why Mozilla will soon be handing out Firefox OS developer phones in order to bolster that. The company's goal is to get app builders to build for Firefox OS, so Mozilla is sending out free Preview handsets for folks to tinker with.

Submission + - First person saved by a police drone in Canada (

AchilleTalon writes: As the US continues to grapple with the idea of letting drones fly through the country's airspace, our neighbors to the north have reported a new milestone for unmanned aerial technology: the first life saved using a drone. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the province of Saskatchewan announced yesterday that they successfully used the small Draganflyer X4-ES helicopter drone to locate and treat an injured man whose car had flipped over in a remote, wooded area in near-freezing temperatures. Zenon Dragan, president and founder of the Draganfly company that makes the drone, said in a statement: "to our knowledge, this is the first time that a life may have been saved with the use of a sUAS (small Unmanned Aerial System) helicopter."

Comment Re:astounding that defaults are not tougher (Score 1) 210

Then your particular laptop is not a secure product. Imagine scenario where it was stolen.

Good point. It's a Dell. But if I did not have HD encryption anyway, what good would changing the bios do? Allow them to boot whatever external OS of their choosing? So be it. I would have lost the box, but not the data on my HD (unless they really, really, really, want it). :)

Comment Re:astounding that defaults are not tougher (Score 1) 210

"No default password could be secure. The only way is to force password change on first use." Normally I'd agree with this, however a sibling of mine passed away and I wound up with a laptop that I could not change the BIOS. Fortunately through a quick google search, I was able to find default passwords used by the manufactures to allow access to the issue. Problem solved.

Comment Slackware (Score 2) 573

"enjoy challenges, and am perfectly willing to spend hours and hours for months on end to learn command line." The only real Linux is Slackware. You have total control of what daemons your running so it is a very secure system, you just have to keep up with the daemons your running, and Patrick V. takes care of that. It has a package manager, an easy install system, and if you start out with a full install, you will not be disappointed. If you really want to know Linux, then Slackware is the way to go.

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