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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Should I be a millionaire?  *Tuesday July 07, 2009 @09:41AM  1
   attached to Jammie Thomas Moves To Strike RIAA $1.92M Verdict
Re:Sadly, I guess I was reading /.  *Monday January 26, 2009 @09:09AM  1
   attached to Bill Gates' Plan To Destroy Music, Note By Note
Re:Oh boy!  *Wednesday October 22, 2008 @01:36PM  1
   attached to LucasArts, Bioware Announce Star Wars MMO
Re:Inductive sensors  *Wednesday September 17, 2008 @02:28PM  1
   attached to National Car Tracking System Proposed For US
Re:And people ask why I support Jesse Ventura?  *Thursday April 17, 2008 @11:42AM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Senator Proposes to Monitor All P2P Traffic for Illegal Files
Re:Awesome  *Thursday January 03, 2008 @10:57AM 1 1
   attached to US Government To Release Electronic Passport
Re:Love the logic.  *Tuesday December 04, 2007 @05:45PM  1
   attached to DoJ Sides With RIAA On Damages
Price fixing merit Bbadge as well?  *Friday October 20, 2006 @06:30PM  1
   attached to Boy Scouts Introduce Merit Badge For Not Pirating
Cigarettes for Slackware?  *Wednesday October 11, 2006 @11:12AM  1
   attached to Hans Reiser Arrested On Suspicion of Murder
Re:YATBFARIADS  *Wednesday September 13, 2006 @10:05AM  1
   attached to Digital Identities Now Available
Re:your sig  *Tuesday September 12, 2006 @05:21PM 1 1
   attached to eDonkey Pays the Recording Industry $30M
Re:Google Spreadsheet  *Monday August 28, 2006 @02:29PM  1
   attached to Google Releasing an Office Suite
Firefox card games  *Wednesday June 21, 2006 @03:24PM  4, Interesting
   attached to Firefox VoIP Client
Re:The real Classics  *Wednesday June 14, 2006 @10:59AM  1
   attached to Dragon's Lair Remastered in HD
Re:How much you want to bet  *Monday June 05, 2006 @09:33AM 1 1
   attached to PS3 Cell Processor 'Broken'?
Hmmmm ...  *Wednesday May 24, 2006 @10:49AM  1
   attached to Vista Beta 2 has Major Problems
Re:Thank you Wired....  *Monday May 22, 2006 @11:43AM  1
   attached to Wired Releases Full Text of AT&T NSA Document
*sighs* I for one ...  *Thursday May 18, 2006 @11:17AM 2 1
   attached to Well I'll Be A Monkey's Uncle
Re:Rough Translation  *Friday May 05, 2006 @01:40PM 1 1
Rough Translation  *Friday May 05, 2006 @10:02AM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to Microsoft Trumps Google, Yahoo! R&D Budgets
And they fly too!  *Wednesday April 26, 2006 @11:38AM  1
   attached to New MythTV Based PVR Available
Re:Wait ...  *Tuesday April 25, 2006 @05:35PM  1
Wait ...  *Tuesday April 25, 2006 @04:04PM 1 2, Insightful
   attached to IE The Great Microsoft Blunder?
Woohooo! Fight Terrorism!  *Monday April 24, 2006 @09:52AM  1
   attached to New Congressional Bill Makes DMCA Look Tame

Pascal is not a high-level language. -- Steven Feiner
