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Comment Re:Full 'nix for arm? (Score 1) 262

I didn't say "a specific page". I said "the middle". And tons of programs don't display page numbers -- web browsers, for one.

Well, you said the middle of a several hundred page document. Either way, I can hold page down until the scroll bar hits the middle far faster than you can move your mouse over, click, drag down, and release. If the document were closer to tens of thousands of pages, you may win out using your mouse, but that is a bit of an edge case.

Whoop-dee doo. That wasn't the issue.

Actually it is. For those of us who know what we are doing, we are better served with a keyboard.

Wow. The discussion was about what's faster on average for a variety of people. I sure hope your keyboarding skills are better than you're reading comprehension skills. But judging by how spectacularly you screwed up the HTML in your previous post, I wouldn't bet on it.

That's some big talk about reading comprehension. I will try to soak it in, but I am afraid I replied to a post that said, "Try timing yourself on some web browsing/text editing/file managing tasks." It's not surprising you find keyboard shortcuts too confusing. If you are arguing about the average person, then the mistake is mine. I generally assume people on Slashdot are above average in most categories, but if your IQ is hovering right around that 100 mark, I have little doubt that you will be faster using a mouse.

The point I was making in response to #26540019 is that there are many of us in technology, who used computers for a long time before the mouse was ubiquitous, that find the keyboard to be far more efficient in terms of speed and accuracy. It would be unfortunate if keyboard shortcuts were phased out in order to ease the learning curve for people like you. It's bad enough that web sites are becoming less keyboard friendly (Flash, onmousedown/up events, forms that submit with JavaScript, etc.)

[BTW, I tried harder with my HTML skillz on this post. I hope it lives up to your standards.]

Comment Re:Full 'nix for arm? (Score 1) 262

I can't remember the last time I had to jump to specific page w/o knowing how many pages were in a document. I am guessing it was circa WordStar era.

I can jump around a page using up/dn, pg up/dn, home, end, and text searches faster than anyone I've ever seen (bearing in mind I've worked in software for 12 years) do it with a mouse. I doubt you are any exception to that.

I also know what application I want just about 999 out of 1000 times. The rare exception happened recently where I was trying to use Poseidon for UML on a Mac, which installs into ~/Applications/Poseidon For UML CE 6.0.2/bin/ But even in the UML designer, I still found myself using keyboard shortcuts for over half of what I did.

Anyway, don't get confused. Just because I am faster with a keyboard than a mouse doesn't mean I am slow with a mouse compared to others, including you. I am not even arguing with you; I'm sure you are faster with your mouse than hunt and peck.

Comment Re:Full 'nix for arm? (Score 1) 262

Open a new browser tab (winner: keybd)
Close a browser tab (winner: keybd)
Navigate forward/back in the history (winner: keybd)

Those are all arguably faster with gestures.

Ctrl+w versus mouse click while moving down, then right. Not sure who can possibly do that faster and with more accuracy than the most novice computer user.

Go to a history/bookmarked URL (winner: keybd)

With most browsers, I'd say this is true. With Opera's Speed Dial, it becomes a matter of whether you've memorized the name of the site (or bookmark). Just open a new tab, and you see a (fairly large) picture of each of your bookmarked sites. Click on the one you want to visit (or Ctrl+Number). This method makes both the keyboard and the mouse faster (and near-equivalent, IMO) by removing the dependence on the user's memory for speed.

This only advantageous for users who do not remember the names or URLs of the sites they want to visit, but recognize them by thumbnails. The mouse beating the keyboard suggests a certain increased level of stupidity on the part of the user.

Run an application (winner: keybd)

Only if you've memorized the name of the command. What you're really saying here is that searching for a program is slower than already having it memorized. I guarantee you that clicking on a desktop shortcut (and you have your dekstop set for single-click mode, right?) is faster than executing the key combo, then typing a word, then hitting enter.

Well, in Vista I can hit the window button, then start typing the name of the appliation (ie, word instead of winword.exe). Ditto for OS X using Spotlight (command+space). I would like to see anyone navigate through the start menu or finder to start Word faster (or even the Quick launch/Dock).

Cut/copy/paste/save/print/quit/etc (winner: keybd)

Cut,copy,paste is a process, not just a key combo. I've found that the process usually works best when you use both the keyboard and the mouse. The mouse is better for selecting large blocks of text and getting the cursor to the general area where you want it. The keyboard is better for precision movements.

Scrolling via arrow, pgup/dn, home/end vs. wheel (winner: keybd)

Let's have a race. We each have an identical several-hundred-page document. You use the page keys, I'll click on the scroll bar. First to the middle wins. Also, your mention of the scroll wheel belies your inexpertise with the mouse. The correct tool is the "middle-click drag" auto-scroll feature.

Of course I will win. With a 500-page documet, Ctrl+G, 250, enter. [Btw, I will ignore your pot shot at my inexpertise with the middle-click-drag only known to super 31337 users such as yourself.]

Switching between applications/windows (winner: keybd)

The advantage of the keyboard over the mouse is its parallel nature. Alt-tab is an inherently serial process, so it eliminates the advantage completely. (If you happen to know that the window you want is the previously-active window, then sure, alt-tab is inherently faster. But that's an incredibly special-case scenario.)

Switching to the previous application is incredibly special case? I generally have about 6 or 7 applications open at a time. I can easily cycle to the one I want to use far faster than anyone can locate what they want to use on a taskbar, most their mouse down and click it.

Click a link (Tie. I generally hit / and start typing the link text, hit escape, then enter to visit the link. Sometimes moving the mouse over the link is faster.)

That method is incredibly limited. You can't click on buttons or images. You lose context as you type since the screen's jumping around thanks to search-as-you-type. It fails miserably is the link text is repeated multiple times (eg "reply to this" on slashdot). IHBT. IHL. HAND.

Sure, it is limited, but it suffices most of the time. I am not averse to using a mouse when it is faster, it just rarely is. I often search twice to jump to the unique text before the repeated text.

While mouse gestures are certainly nice, they are, in my experience, far more prone to inaccuracy compared to a key presses. Mistakenly closing a browser tab happens far more often with gestures than the keyboard.

That is not at all my experience. Perhaps what you mean to say is that you are prone to imprecision with the mouse (especially if the next item is true for you). From this and other assertions of yours, the only conclusion I can make is that you're not very good with the mouse.

No need to get your panties in a bunch, but I can play too... From your assertions I can only conclude you are a slow, inaccurate typist with a poor memory. For those of us with good memories who can type quickly and accurately, the keyboard is always faster. Especially for those of us who were using computers since before Windows was viable and when the Mac was the least cool computer you could buy. Not that I am by any stretch a veteran, but I did learn to use computers at a time when the mouse was not very common.

Now, for the average Apple user who buys a MacBook to fit in with the crowd at his neighborhood Starbuck's, I have no doubt they are more capable using a mouse then a keyboard. Apple shouldn't have needed $50 million to figure that out.

[Just for the record, I would bet I am faster with a mouse than you. My slowness with a mouse is only relative to my speed with a keyboard. It doesn't actually mean you are faster.]

Comment Re:Full 'nix for arm? (Score 2, Insightful) 262

Let's see...
Open a new browser tab (winner: keybd)
Close a browser tab (winner: keybd)
Go to a history/bookmarked URL (winner: keybd)
Navigate forward/back in the history (winner: keybd)
Click a link (Tie. I generally hit / and start typing the link text, hit escape, then enter to visit the link. Sometimes moving the mouse over the link is faster.)
Run an application (winner: keybd)
Cut/copy/paste/save/print/quit/etc (winner: keybd)
Scrolling via arrow, pgup/dn, home/end vs. wheel (winner: keybd)
Switching between applications/windows (winner: keybd)
Change a font (I will give this one to mouse)

Sorry, but between tab to move between elements (a must have for any application I use) and standard keyboard shortcuts (control/alt/command/shift modifiers), I have zero desire to use a mouse and rarely do. I don't get how taking tme to move one's hand over to the mouse, moving the cursor over a button and clicking could possibly take less time than two simple key presses (my fingers remember where ctrl and w are, but my hand does not remember how to navigate over the little "x" on the tab).

While mouse gestures are certainly nice, they are, in my experience, far more prone to inaccuracy compared to a key presses. Mistakenly closing a browser tab happens far more often with gestures than the keyboard.

The only time I find myself consistently using a mouse is in OS X Finder, which just doesn't play well with the keyboard. In such situations where the mouse is generally faster, I will usually opt for a keyboard solution (eg, using mv, cp, mkdir, etc from a shell).

Much of this may have to do with my late switch to Windows from DOS and work generally keeping me in a terminal window, but I still maintain I can use a keyboard faster for most common tasks than anyone with a mouse.


Google Caught On Private Property 668

nathan halverson writes "Google recently launched Street View coverage in Sonoma and Mendocino counties — big pot growing counties. And while they hardly covered the area's biggest city, Santa Rosa, they canvassed many of the rural areas known for growing pot. I found at least one instance where they drove well onto private property, past a gate and no trespassing sign, and took photographs. I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking, but someone is likely to find some pot plants captured on Street View. That could cause big problems for residents. Because while growing a substantial amount of pot is legal in Mendocino and Sonoma County under state law, it's highly illegal under federal law and would be grounds for a federal raid."

FSF's "Defective By Design" Targets Apple Genius Bars 838

mjasay writes "At OSCON this year, MySQL's Brian Aker made this bold statement: 'Microsoft is irrelevant ... We're more worried about Apple.' The Free Software Foundation appears to have caught the hint, and has turned its attention to all-things-Apple with a 'denial of service' attack on the Apple Genius Bars. The idea is to completely book all Genius Bars and then ask the 'geniuses,' over and over again, a few questions about Apple's proprietary ways (while, apparently, real customers with support issues are left to flounder). Lost in this anti-Apple fervor, however, is the Free Software Foundation's complete and conscious failure to protect the web. Richard Stallman has long felt that software that doesn't sit on his desktop doesn't affect his freedom, but isn't the opposite true? Why is the FSF focused on Apple when the bigger concern should be Google, Yahoo!, Amazon, and other web players, a point made by Tim O'Reilly recently at OSCON?" Defective by Design is just one of many FSF projects, remember; it hardly seems fair to say that the FSF has been ignoring the implications of software as a service.

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