Just launched OO.o on my cheap netbook (533 MHz Atom, 512 MB RAM, no swap, Linux and a little 8GB SSD) and it only took 8 seconds.
So yes, OO is much faster to load than it used to be
Are you paying $50 per hour for your developers' typing?
Or are you paying them $50 per hour for their intellect?
Long compile times, in my experience, give an opportunity to nip off for a coffee or a cigarette, both of which tend to lead to greater productivity because you actually interact with co-workers.
Most of my programming problems have been solved during coffee or smoke breaks - yes it's frustrating to wait for a recompile, but the benefits of chewing the fat with other developers far outweigh the perceived loss in efficiency.
Well smart-arse - the next time you write a 60 gig project, please publish the details.
After reading your post I would like to meet Monique - do you have her mobile number?
If there's one thing I like, it's big hairy lawyers.
It's got the peat, but it's from Skye and is a little more subtle than either Ardbeg or Laphroaig (bigger island, so perhaps the influence of the sea is slightly less).
But then I am Welsh, so inclined to perversity in my choice of beverage
and any sensible evolutionary system would have seen us wiped out long ago.
Give it time...
Honestly has anyone ever heard of wireshark or netflow?
Nice troll - good luck to you reading packet traces from a 40Gb link.
No wonder you post as AC
My thoughts exactly - but then I've only ever set up redundant networks on Cisco kit - perhaps there is a way to set up HP switches to failover without STP, but it's a mystery to me
Some researchers published an article with an inflamatory title: "Charlatanry in forensic speech science: A problem to be taken seriously", and got sued for libel. This isn't about censorship or intellectual property laws, it's about a company protecting its image from mudslinging.
That's one perspective, true.
My perspective differs somewhat - the 'company protecting its image' are IMNSHO a bunch of snake oil salesmen, who are misusing libel law to silence researchers who point out that their snake oil is no better than any other snake oil.
How anyone can believe in lie detectors has always been a mystery to me - there may be a way of detecting a lie through imaging of brain activity, but the notion that voice analysis can detect lies is truly farcical. At best, voice analysis can detect stress, but then so could polygraphs, and they aren't overly accurate.
You're right though - most of the preceding discussion was off-topic and irrelevant.
Haha - you're entirely wrong.
Complimentary = with our compliments.
Complementary = making complete.
Unless you are trying to claim that the meaning of 'complementary' is that the bathroom sans soap is somewhat less than whole, you've just made a complete arse of yourself.
Thankyou for playing the pedantry game - please feel free to come back when you are better at it.
Never say you know a man until you have divided an inheritance with him.