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Comment Re: Remote exec here with a remote team of 122 (Score 1) 125

You just have you hire managers that understand the roles they manage. Development managers should have a good idea how long things should take, what the pitfalls are likely to be, and who to pair up when needed to get things back on track. In ops, they need to understand incident response, on-call stress, triage, and operational vs project workflows. I imagine that physical engineering is similar in that they should understand enough to spot check the work, and know when someone is bullshitting a timeline. TLDR: teach engineers to manage instead of hiring MBAs who think the only way to optimize cost is to cut expenses.

Comment Re: I'm not clear on how DNS over HTTPS helps priv (Score 2) 108

The initial HTTPS session established presents the hostname unencrypted, that's how you can have multiple websites on a single IP address, until TLS1.3 gets wide adoption *and* sysadmins know to enable the features *and* browsers use them. Then, just tracking the ports on each side of the connection will let you know at least how much traffic is sent and pulled from what hostname. They absolutely know how long you visited the site, because either the established session maintains on the established ports during the initial handshake, or you have to establish a new handshake each time and the hostname again goes out plaintext.

If your $50 linksys can keep track of a session, you ISP can as well.

Now your ISP *and* CloudFlare know you're on Zillow, that's twice as many people to sell your information to advertisers.

Comment Re:I'm not clear on how DNS over HTTPS helps priva (Score 2, Insightful) 108

Yes. It means CloudFlare or similar can track you individually everywhere with individual device IDs instead of your ISP and phone provider each being able to see part of it at the household or device level, and they can share it with, or sell it to, everyone. But hey, the coffee shop employees that don't have time to look can't see the contents of your DNS query, so definitely more secure, right?

Comment Re:Cheaper that way (Score 1) 31

Teach kids the actual basics like algorithms and variable structure. How it compares to math, and how it differs. Make it available, not forced, changing high school to be more vocational. Cover the cost of advanced education at state schools, so that those with an interest are able to follow it regardless of income. Schools these days are already overfull with things that could be better explored with focus.

Comment Re: First non-binary? (Score 1) 466

Why was Riker's ability to play saxophone relevant to the story? Did you object to its inclusion?

We watch shows because we identify with and care about the characters. Background irrelevant to the main story helps to flesh them out as characters. If all you care about are the main plot points, read the episode synopsis on IMDB and save yourself 45 minutes.

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