Having the legislature (who don't know much about.. much of anything) be required to make all the rules is also not good. You often need actual experts to do that, and you better pray those experts aren't just lobbyists.
As with many things going for some ideal at either end of the spectrum is likely to result in lots of suckage.
Not that the legislature is particularly accountable in the first place, mind you, especially with gerrymandering giving you control over everything with as low as 30% of the vote (yes, this is correct. 30% with "perfect" gerrymandering gets you 100% control of everything), or partisan primaries, or the electoral college, or incumbent advantage, or the way we do non-ranked-choice voting, or the Supreme Court finding that "gratuities" paid after the fact for things that folks want aren't bribes...
Basically, the idea that politicians and thus the legistlatures are very accountable is, at best, polite fiction, and I'd suggest it is impolite fiction.
So, yea, you can argue that they're unaccountable, but I'd prefer unaccountable relatively reliable and competent to unaccountable, unreliable, unstable, incompetent, and even more corrupt, which is what we get from the current voting/election system.
Oh, certainly there are worse alternatives. But things have gotten substantively worse in the modern era than say 30 or 40 years ago where a lot of the schenanigans were not tolerated or possible.