Submission + - Teaching Robot Learners to Ask Good Questions (sciencedaily.com) 1
garthsundem writes: "I disagree with this article's opening line: "Within a decade, personal robots could become as common in U.S. homes as any other major appliance." Haven't we been promised this since the 50s?
But I'm fascinated by the rest — how do you teach humans to teach robots? Or, more precisely, how can you teach robots to teach humans to teach robots? The idea that designers can put a flexible platform in a robot, that allows users to determine functionality is...more than pretty cool."
But I'm fascinated by the rest — how do you teach humans to teach robots? Or, more precisely, how can you teach robots to teach humans to teach robots? The idea that designers can put a flexible platform in a robot, that allows users to determine functionality is...more than pretty cool."