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Comment Re: Usage is consent (Score 1) 118

Actually Wal-Mart appears to be less interested in data-mining you than are big grocers like Kroger, Ralph's, Safeway etc. You don't need a loyalty card to get Wal-Mart's best prices on groceries.

While Wal-Mart could theoretically match your purchases with your debit card data, and maybe they do, you're welcome to pay cash and be anonymous. Compare with the many grocery chains that require you to pay a significant premium for anonymity (i.e. they require the use of loyalty cards to get anywhere near reasonable prices).

Comment Re:Non-issue? (Score 2) 120

This is how you play multiple vinyl records: You use a record-changing turntable.

1. Stack a bunch of records on top of one another on the spindle.
2. When a record finishes, the next record will drop down on top of the record(s) already on the turntable.
3. This is good for 80-100 minutes of music depending on the number of stacked records supported by the device.

No need for expensive cleaning cloths or solutions as long as you are able to buy more copies of your records.

Comment The Wrecking Crew (Score 2) 157

The record companies also shook down the producers of the 2008 film, The Wrecking Crew, a documentary about a very few, unknown, session musicians who played on innumerable hit records from the 1950s and 1960s. The release of the film was delayed for over two years -- until the companies were paid, in essence, for the use of the artists' own performances.

Comment Re:I was wondering the same thing... (Score 1) 461

The large number of replies to the parent indicate there are any number of folks on Slashdot who don't realize that no true pressure cookers have glass tops: The glass would break under the pressure. Duuh.

More to the point, do we know that the US Capitol Police didn't make the same mistake, and blew up somebody's crockpot?

Comment Re:Not news, not for nerds, doesn't matter (Score 2) 231

Let me correct myself. I care that four U.S. nationals died, leaving behind grieving loved ones.

But Mr. Obama didn't kill them. Mrs. Clinton didn't kill them.Terrorists did.

Mr. Obama isn't running for president. Whatever was or wasn't done in Benghazi is insignificant compared to the war crimes of Bush, Cheney et al.

Who's more likely to start another needless war if elected president? Mrs. Clinton, or Jeb Bush?

Comment Re:We'll know if its a good bill.. (Score 2) 347

Thanks for the link, which confirms that:

1) FCC "allows" but does not "mandate" carriers to impose an access charge. Do you know of any telcos that don't charge this, out of the goodness of their hearts?

2) If you don't pay the universal service charge directly, you'll pay it indirectly. The Tooth Fairy won't pay it for you.

Comment Re:Here's one (Score 1) 348

No, no, no. The $30/hr figure is not what the client will pay. It's what the low-ball recent-immigrant non-English-speaking recruiter will pay. I often receive the same job listing from 3-4 "recruiters" at different rates. Probably the client would be happy to pay $75/hr for somebody who really knows Hadoop.

Because none of these goddamn companies hire directly I have to choose the one who will pocket the least amount of my bill rate.

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As you will see, I told them, in no uncertain terms, to see Figure one. -- Dave "First Strike" Pare
