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Subject Datestamp Replies Score
Re:Is negotiation a skill required for the job?  *Thursday April 09, 2015 @10:44AM  1
   attached to Reddit CEO Ellen Pao Bans Salary Negotiations To Equalize Pay For Men, Women
Re:"Belief" is not part of the scientific method  *Wednesday September 24, 2014 @07:14PM  1
   attached to Study Links Pacific Coastal Warming To Changing Winds
Re:Sorry guys, but you are full of shit  *Monday September 08, 2014 @06:24PM 2 5, Informative
   attached to AT&T Says 10Mbps Is Too Fast For "Broadband," 4Mbps Is Enough
Re:Astroturfing for Hillary Clinton  *Thursday September 04, 2014 @12:13PM 3 5, Informative
   attached to Combating Recent, Ugly Incidents of Misogyny In Gamer Culture
Re:They deserve it  *Thursday August 07, 2014 @02:43PM 3 2
   attached to California Man Sues Sony Because Killzone: Shadowfall Isn't Really 1080p
Re:Fire(wall) and forget  *Wednesday July 30, 2014 @04:07PM  1
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Is Running Mission-Critical Servers Without a Firewall Common?
Re:Another bloviation from Bennett  *Monday July 28, 2014 @09:21PM  1
   attached to Lots Of People Really Want Slideout-Keyboard Phones: Where Are They?
Re:Now I'm confused ...  *Thursday June 26, 2014 @03:21PM 6 1
   attached to New Chemical Process Could Make Ammonia a Practical Car Fuel
Re:Fast Lane Fallacy  *Wednesday May 21, 2014 @02:21PM  1
   attached to Congress Unhappy With FCC's Proposed Changes To Net Neutrality
Re:Interview on Weed?!  *Tuesday May 20, 2014 @06:28PM  1
   attached to FBI Need Potheads To Fight Cybercrime
Re:My mp3s died before my cds did!  *Wednesday May 14, 2014 @01:13PM 1 2
Re:My mp3s died before my cds did!  *Wednesday May 14, 2014 @12:15PM 1 1
Re:Space is cheap, rip to FLAC  *Wednesday May 14, 2014 @12:13PM 1 4, Insightful
   attached to Your Old CD Collection Is Dying
Re:Less choice?  *Wednesday May 14, 2014 @01:43PM  2
   attached to Major ISPs Threaten To Throttle Innovation and Slow Network Upgrades
Re:Not a way to learn  *Monday May 12, 2014 @05:58PM  1
   attached to Lectures Aren't Just Boring, They're Ineffective, Too, Study Finds
A Non Issue - FUD From a Competitor  *Wednesday May 07, 2014 @11:23AM  1
   attached to Dropbox and Box Leaked Shared Private Files Through Google
Re:More Fracking' Earthquakes  *Tuesday May 06, 2014 @01:04PM 1 1
   attached to Earthquake Warning Issued For Central Oklahoma
Re: Oh goody  *Monday May 05, 2014 @02:40PM  1
   attached to SanDisk Announces 4TB SSD, Plans For 8TB Next Year
Re:elections are bought  *Friday May 02, 2014 @06:14PM  1
   attached to Lessig Launches a Super PAC To End All Super PACs
Re:Personal Drones  *Friday April 18, 2014 @07:43PM 2 1
   attached to Americans Uncomfortable With Possibility of Ubiquitous Drones, Designer Babies
Re:RAID?  *Thursday April 17, 2014 @10:34AM  1
   attached to SSD-HDD Price Gap Won't Go Away Anytime Soon
Re:Am I getting old?  *Wednesday April 09, 2014 @05:05PM  1
   attached to Raspberry Pi's Eben Upton: How We're Turning Everyone Into DIY Hackers
Re:Wierd headline  *Tuesday April 08, 2014 @05:55PM  1
   attached to Apple, Google, and Amazon's Quest For One Remote Control Is Futile
Re:I think this is bullshit  *Thursday April 03, 2014 @07:32PM 1 2
   attached to Brendan Eich Steps Down As Mozilla CEO

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
