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Comment Re:So say the biologists (Score 1) 332

My wife has a PhD in Entomology. I have friends with advanced degrees in technology. She suffered WAY more than they did. She had to take and extra year (total of five for the PhD) to complete her research and dissertation.

While I think the OP is correct, the real story here isn't getting the degree, it's the lack of funds to do anything with that degree. If you're a tenure-track researcher, you typically spend most of your time writing grant applications begging for money as opposed to doing real research. BTW, my wife is now a writer; she no longer does any research.

Comment Why not at the real computer museum? (Score 4, Insightful) 56

So why not host this as an exhibition at the computer museum that's a whole whopping 30 miles from SF? They can probably make some space if they come up with enough to look at.

Yeah, they could open the "first" museum for video games in SF, but most of the money raised would go towards rent in the insanely expensive city. They should swallow their pride and work with the computer museum to make this a reality.

Comment Re:Over-reaction (Score 1) 369

Most Universities have legally distanced themselves from the state. VA Tech (which I am most familiar with) did just this about 4 or 5 years ago. The change gives them far more autonomy and authority so nut-job politicians don't try to micro-manage their affairs. If UofW haven't done this yet, I'm willing to bet their in the process of doing so.

Comment Re:Over-reaction (Score 5, Informative) 369

He is NOT a public employee; he is an employee of a university which (more often than not depending on the state) is a separate legal entity.

Just because an organization receives government funding does not make them a government agency.
Also, if what you say were true, then every book written by a professor would be in the public domain.

Comment Re:At this rate (Score 1) 429

You can get the Galaxy tab from verizon for $499 with no contract. That's cheaper than the iPad with way more features, and you can always sign up for a 3G data plan later if you want one. I love my Galaxy tab and have been really impressed with the screen quality and touch sensitivity. Great camera too.

Comment I have a Galaxy Tab.... (Score 1) 480

I have a tab and I love it.
Would someone mind telling me what wonderful features I'm missing??
If you want to talk about missing features then talk about the iPad. The Tab has two cameras, sd slot, and is easily root-able.
The only thing I'm disappointed in is the fact that flash on a web site will pretty much bring the browser to a halt. e.g. I can't get a video to play on, I have to use the unofficial app which is buggy as hell to make it work.

Comment Re:Don’t patch bad code - rewrite it (Score 1) 216

Are you saying that as long as externally visible behavior stays the same that there won't be new bugs/behaviors under the hood??
You can do all the unit and end-user testing you want; when you rewrite something, some behavior is going to change and you will not be able to catch it all. This is coming from someone who's done a lot of rewrite-it-from-scratch projects.

Comment Re:Don’t patch bad code - rewrite it (Score 4, Insightful) 216

I couldn't agree more, but that's very expensive and very very dangerous. Why? Two factors:
1. Rewriting means rethinking; most legacy code is functional and is usually rebuilt in OOP. Whenever you rethink how something works it tends to change the entire behavior to say nothing of all the new bugs you'll have to hunt down. You're customers will definitely notice this.

2. Scope creep!! Rebuilding it? Why not throw in all that cool functionality we've been talking about for the past 10 years but couldn't implement because the architecture couldn't handle it. You get the idea.

Want an example? Netscape 5

Comment Re:What about the presumption of innocence? (Score 4, Insightful) 1590

This is no different than if the EU State of Poland mobilized its laws and cops to protect itself from militias from Russia.

Actually it is very different. We are the f'ing USA; we have a constitution and a supreme court that specifically says this type of action (arresting/detaining people without probable cause) is illegal and a violation of civil rights.

It will be a short matter of time before this law is declared unconstitutional. I have no problem with the State of Arizona trying to deal with the immigration problem, however rounding up and detaining people is way WAY out of line, and making people carry their papers at all times or else go to jail is repugnant.

Comment Re:It should read 'stoopid people hath spoken' (Score 4, Insightful) 982

We are not talking about passwords to his email, his domain account, his laptop,etc. We are talking about THE password (there is only ONE) to Cisco IOS routers and switches. It is the equivalent of root passwords that don't belong to any single person.

That being said, I still think his prosecution is essentially the city behaving like a 5 year old child. The city's CTO should be sacked ASAP for such a huge failure of management: no documentation, no back ups of running configs, no cross-training among personnel so there wouldn't be a single person responsible, etc.etc. No large company runs like that.

Comment Re:Really? (Score 1) 233

Agreed. And that's just the immediate cost. When things like this happen, stores/businesses lose loyal customers to competitors and it takes months to recover.
And what about the IT costs? I guarantee you, there is now an effort underway in all major businesses to (1) test new anti-virus patches before rolling them out, (2) re-review all anti-virus software being used, (3) developing and testing mitigation plans for another failure. All of this is VERY expensive.
Here's another example: Airlines shut down because of a volcano. You think when the volcano stops that their business is going to go back to the previous levels? Nope. Even for something like airlines where people often don't have a choice, it will take quite some time to recover. 9/11 is another example of this; it took years for airlines to get back to pre-9/11 levels, although there were other economic factors that led to the decline in '01.

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