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What can be done about the Microsoft astroturfers?

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  • by plover ( 150551 ) *

    I've always tried to be mostly neutral in these things. I don't have to have sides, with certain exceptions made for hatred of Apple's walled garden, UEFI, DRM, or other technological barriers to fully owning a machine. I'm sure I'll quickly grow much scorn for Microsoft's flavor of it on their RT-based Surface tablet as well. And I much prefer coding in real languages to the tokenized, interpreted, rubber-bumpered, safety languages of .Net, Java, and their ilk. But overall, coding on MS platforms pays

    • There's just a shitload of Microsoftie astroturfing moderation going on. You point out how the Xbox 360 has lost them a shitload of money because it is a piece of crap, or that their entertainment division only recently started to turn a profit at all and they're literally billions in the red over this Xbox thing, and the downmods descend. The numerous new accounts created just to make a few positive comments about Microsoft and then abandoned thereafter are pretty offensive, too. IMO once they are found an

      • by plover ( 150551 ) *

        Well, gamers are the larval form of lowlifes, so you're probably not ever going to get away from them if you're trash talking the XBox.

        On the other hand, there's absolutely no point in bringing up the profitability of the XBox as it really only matters internally to Microsoft. If they've decided to buy their way into a successful gaming business, and that strategy is approved by their stockholders, then they're doing it. And it seems to be working, as they've been turning a profit on it for the last two y

        • the other hand, there's absolutely no point in bringing up the profitability of the XBox as it really only matters internally to Microsoft.

          I didn't bring up the profitability of the Xbox at all, but nice failure of reading comprehension there. I brought up the lack of hardware quality. Of course, it's also not profitable, which underscores the fact that the lack of quality is actually a problem, which others have brought up and been upmodded for. It's hard not to imagine that I am being made example of by a cadre of assholes at minimum and astroturfers in all probability because seriously, who the fuck defends Microsoft? They're convicted crim

          • by unitron ( 5733 )

            If they built it at the level of quality you think appropriate, wouldn't they be losing even more money on each sale?

            Please note that my XBox and PlayStation experience and knowledge is so extensive that if given long enough to look for labels and logos I might be able to tell one from the other as long as no one slips in something from Nintendo.

            • If they built it at the level of quality you think appropriate, wouldn't they be losing even more money on each sale?

              Well, they have the Xbox apparently more or less ironed out after several minor revisions and a major revision. If the same holds true of their tablet, it will be a spectacular disaster. It is very very difficult to do anything actually important on a games console. Tablets, on the other hand...

      • XBox QC is a argument which is re-enacted on a daily basis by the world's greatest flamers, so welcome to the club.

        If you want to make em mad, just point out how few of those supposedly satisfied XBox customers bought a WinPhone.

  • I am tired of the shills and astroturfers - they're always very obvious, you just have to leave them to be moderated by others and moderate up other people or at least people who CALL THEM on it.

    Unfortunately I wouldn't be surprised if they work together to acquire karma - one person shills, another calls that shill out and then uses his mod points later to get a firstish shill post with high score.

    The key is to check the user ID and the history before modding ANYONE.

    We can't just give up - I don't see the

Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images. -- Jean Cocteau
