Comment Re: Enshittification (Score 1) 153
I donâ(TM)t know. If they actually hired Cavill and let him steer creative, it could be glorious.
I donâ(TM)t know. If they actually hired Cavill and let him steer creative, it could be glorious.
I am afraid you do not understand. There are no furher restrictions placed on your right to redistribute the sources. You can freely do it. It's just that it means Redhat will terminate their customer relationship with you. Which means they no longer have to offer you binaries. Which means they no longer have to offer your sources either.
It's devilishly clever legalese. Stupid and annoying yes, but also devilishly clever.
You need to add a clause to these bills re-asserting state sovereign immunity and withdrawing consent of the government to be sued by corporations the law applies to. The companies notoriously abuse the court system to obstruct.
On most matters states are immune to being sued, so I am not sure why this is tolerated to allow companies to push back against regulations like so. Write a statute in consumer protection laws like this restoring the government's Immunity so that the courts cannot be used to obstruct implementation.
Í don't like to throw the word around, but you are literally asking for fascism. FUCK THAT.
Honestly copyrights need to be a quicker removal from software that is written for a specific hardware platform that is no longer in production, I'm thinking like 5 years.
That's absurd. The fact that you chose to not actively exercise your property rights for a prolonged time IS, in itself, exercising your property rights. Not a prelude to being stripped of them.
Oh, you were serious... Oh my.
Let me guess, trickle down economics works too?
You could actually open the most recent annual reports for a few large insurers and see for yourself where most of the income over time actually comes from.
Instead of embarrasing yourself in public.
No, thats how they make MORE money.
If you think insurance companies are hurting on profit, you either havent been looking at their reports OR you are making dividends off them and have a reason to be disingenuous.
If you think insurance underwriting is how insurers make most of their money, you have absolutely zero idea about how insurance actually works and where the profits are coming from.
"It's hard to imagine wanting to continue to working on WordPress after this," he added
Good, now resign, from ALL related positions and never come back so that eventually, trust in Wordpress as a platform can be restored.
Most people neither need nor want a powerful PC. They are entirely happy with their smartphone. For gaming purposes, you need to spend AT LEAST 3 times the price of a console to get maybe 10% better framerates and way more to get a signicantly notable difference. Most people do not find that enticing at all.
No. Being an asshole is not the right answer.
This has been a public service announcement.
Lots of people enjoy LARPing that we shouldn't shame people because it supposedly doesn't work, except it does work. Shaming, ostracising and peer pressure ALL work, which is why they have persisted as effective ways of shaping societies for many millennia.
Forking could happen, but will the ecosystem shift with them?
After the OG showed everybody merely abiding by the license is not anywhere near enough and that you also need to bow down before his nonsensical whims? What do you think?
The reason the DMCA is an abusive scam is that it requires takedown before review. It can therefore be used to suppress speech.
And you talk about things without having a clue what you are talking about.
If it is _your_ speech and someone sends a DMCA takedown notice, then they need to explain why they think they own the copyright. If they can't do that, then they committed perjury. You get yourself a lawyer and sue them.
Must be nice, living in this cozy alternative dimension where the "under penalty of perjury" clause of DMCA actually has ANY sort of teeth.
It doesn't.
I challenge you to show me just 3 actual court cases where somebody was succesfully convincted of perjury for submitting fraudulent DMCA notices. Can you do it?
The whole DMCA system is an abusive scam.
That's nonsense. DMCA is an excellent solution when people commit low levels of copyright infringement, to stop the infringement without having to take anyone to court.
No, THAT's nonsense. The DMCA is entirely useless forr anything BUT abuse, since for some obscure legal reason it's "under penalty of perjury" clause is basically entirely null and void.
If I can't plan for the future with a determined salary then you don't deserve my skill set. Loyalty goes both ways.
Counterpoint: if you can't reliably earn enough off your own skillset in a bonus/commission model, you don't deserve a salary that is piggybacking off ME.
Union employees get far, far, more back than they pay in dues.
I hope you are not a math teacher.
This comes across to me as, "fuck you, I got mine." Maybe you're not like that in person, but that's the impression you're giving.
You're talking as if this is somehow an immoral and/or unethical position to hold. No, that's backwards. What's immoral is the idea that it's your god-given right to hitch yourself to and massively benefit off the superachievers. It is not.
Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images. -- Jean Cocteau