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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 1 declined, 2 accepted (3 total, 66.67% accepted)


Submission + - How to steal 5 tons of quarters (cnn.com) 2

dfsmith writes: CNN is reporting today on the prosecution of a man who stole $196k-worth of quarters from his employer in Alabama. Apparently the Brinks facility kept large bags of the coins for the Federal Reserve (about 1 ton each) which the accused emptied and refilled with beads (leaving some coins visible in the bag's window).

Notwithstanding the enterprise of purchasing and transporting that many beads, you've got to wonder: how would you go about this heist, and what would you do with the proceeds?

Submission + - Selling shares at the wrong price is fraud 1

dfsmith writes: Apparently the "Flash Crash" of the stock market in May 2010 was perpetrated by a futures trader in the UK. The US Justice Department alleges that he used a "dynamic layering scheme" of large-volume sell orders to confuse other buyers, hence winning big in his futures trades. Wait a second... isn't that what traders do all the time? Why is this one different?

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