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Comment Re:Gas tank (Score 1) 88

You answered the question "what is 3/4 of 24 gallons". That wasn't the question asked. Suppose, let's say, your wife is driving your 10mpg truck with a 24 gallon gas tank. She asks, "Can I make it to the gas station 170 miles from here? The gauge says I have 3/4 tank." Does that answer change if it's asked by a survey taker instead? Why?

Comment Re:Gas tank (Score 1) 88

That scares me. If you put mathematics in the same category as "things that don't work in practice", then science mumbo-jumbo becomes a faith religion rather than a description of reality. If you have to throw out experimental evidence to get the "right answer", there's something wrong. (It reminds me of Feynman's story of a Brazilian text book that didn't understand angular momentum.)

Comment Gas tank (Score 1) 88

I'm not surprised by people not knowing the gas tank answer. I don't know my gas tank answer. Empirically, I know at 3/4 full (indicated) I'm at about 1/2 tank, but I haven't done the measurement. My gauge is mostly logarithmic, and shows empty at 2.5 gallons remaining. My propane tank isn't much better. That's a linear height in a cylindrical, horizontal tank. There is no rational solution to convert height to volume-remaining (boiling down, as it were, to solving sin x=x).

Comment Re:assert()'s for every assumption (Score 1) 189

[Angry customer]: The software I was using crashed with an assert code!
[St. Peter]: Yes, we'll have to talk to the car manufacturer about that.

Most of the software I work on can emit smoke, mangle parts, or lose data if it were to abort. There's a place for assert(), but it's not always an option.

Comment Alternate headline: US dollar soars against crypto (Score 2, Interesting) 178

It's equally valid to say that cash has increased in value by 400% against cryptocurrency. You should buy dollars now! Disclaimer: some cryptocurrency people are saying that the current value of cash is just a bubble.

In other news, cash held fairly steady against other easily tradable commodities, with no major movement.

Comment Re:Wait, are you saying everything changes? (Score 1) 138

Cars last about 15 years. They can last 50, or 5. When you replace them depends on the economics of keeping them running. When you can't get service techs, and parts shoot up in price, you figure out how to migrate to and finance a less expensive car.

If your local police department was running a fleet of 30 year old Ford LTD Crown Vics you would rightfully question the economics. And (possibly) rightfully decide to keep them running.

Lotus Notes is nearly 30 years old, though its architecture dates to the early 70s.

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