Comment Re:Another thing to worry about... (Score 1) 269
There's an xkcd for that!
There's an xkcd for that!
I think I'll start using variations of "FUCKYOUSTOPUSINGPLAINTEXTFORSAVINGPASSWORDS!!!" as my password. Too bad
Have you or your clients send any cracker to jail? For getting into the systems you secure.
If the humble bundle has teach me something, it is that 20% of the market of game buyers are Linux users.
I don't think these companies should be ignoring 20% of potential buyers, specially when the work to make it run in Linux is already half done for the Mac.
Criminals could just commit crimes in places they usually don't. Or choose at random. Actually, if the police starts putting more officers in the crime ridden part of town, that means the other parts will be easier targets.
Compare that to a clueless windows user who hasn't updated anything since he got the computer...
Usually people who want the latest version of something is because they need certain functionality it brings. The clueless person will conform with just having the application.
Default repositories could satisfy the clueless users perfectly.
I'm not a windows user, but whenever I'm forced to use it, I really miss the package manager.
One would though that with so many users, some of them could get together create a dpkg/synaptic-like program and make a repository with all the free software available for windows. It could also contain scripts for installing freely downloadable software that can't be redistributed. Heck, they could also allow some password based solution for software vendors who want users to get updates easily adding their repository.
The made it interesting showing a guy writing on a notebook.
Check who has Deleted you from their contact list on MSN at
People all over the world take age/maturity serious.
How come the amount of revolutions the earth gives around the sun can determine if you are eligible for drinking, having sex or driving?
rule 34 anyone?
Ubuntu's next version: Sexy Schoolgirl
Tentacles will come by their own...
On other news, good bye trees!
Real world companies use NPV (Net Present Value) instead of TCO. The only reason they make comparisons in TCO terms is because free software wins in NPV.
Science is to computer science as hydrodynamics is to plumbing.