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Submission + - ArenaNet Suspends Digital Sales of Guild Wars 2 (

kungfugleek writes: Throughout the launch of subscription-free MMO Guild Wars 2, ArenaNet has stated that the player-experience is their top priority and, if necessary, they would suspend digital sales to protect their servers from crushing loads. While the launch has been considerably more stable than most big-budget MMO's in recent months, some players, especially those in Europe, have experienced trouble logging in and getting booted from servers. So yesterday, ArenaNet held true to their word, and temporarily suspended digital sales from their website. Personally, I think this is an incredible show of customer-centered focus. To turn down purchases, especially first-party purchases, where the seller gets a higher percentage of the sale, during a major title's first week of sales, would be inconceivable by other companies. Is this a bad move for ArenaNet? Will there be enough of a long-term payout to make up for the lost sales? And does this put pressure on other major studios to follow suit in the face of overwhelming customer response?

Submission + - Open Source alternative to Dropbox?

garry_g writes: While "the cloud" may be one of the major buzzwords of the Internet industry, anybody concerned with security and privacy will most likely not touch it with a 10-foot pole. While I am guilty of using Dropbox for occasional data storage or quick picture snaps with my Android phone, I do watch out not to store anything important on there (or inciminating), no matter what the "privacy policy" may be.
As someone that has been running his personal mail server and MTA for years, stores Firefox profile information not on either Xmarks or FF Sync public server but my own, I was wondering: what useful alternative is there to Dropbox on the FOSS market, which will allow access by both windows/linux boxes, but also mobile devices (specifically Android). I know there are frontend addons for Windows (and linux tools of course) e.g. for SVN, but most likely no implementations for mobile use as far as I can tell...
And, of course, the backend should run on a Linux box ;)

Comment Re:Does the vendor make md5 or sha1 hashes availab (Score 1) 255

Compare that to a clueless windows user who hasn't updated anything since he got the computer...
Usually people who want the latest version of something is because they need certain functionality it brings. The clueless person will conform with just having the application.

Default repositories could satisfy the clueless users perfectly.

Comment Re:The repositories dummy. (Score 1) 255

I'm not a windows user, but whenever I'm forced to use it, I really miss the package manager.

One would though that with so many users, some of them could get together create a dpkg/synaptic-like program and make a repository with all the free software available for windows. It could also contain scripts for installing freely downloadable software that can't be redistributed. Heck, they could also allow some password based solution for software vendors who want users to get updates easily adding their repository.

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