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Submission + - Best cross-platform (or only Linux) audio software? 1

blogologue writes: I have played the guitar for some years now, and these days I think it's good therapy to be creative with music learning the piano and singing as well. So far I've been using Audacity as the tool to compose improvisations and demos, I haven't done much audio work before but it is already becoming too limited for my needs. Being a Linux-fanboi since the middle nineties I'm now looking for a good audio processing/editing/enhancing setup that can run on different platforms, the most important being Linux (yes, voting for Linux with my dollar). Are there any suggestions for Open Source or proprietary audio editing software that runs Linux?

Comment Re:Red Headed Step Child... (Score 1) 476

Windows and OS X are only updating the OS. Ubuntu, like any Debian based install, is upgrading everything you downloaded through the repository. You don't have to update every five minutes. The vast majority of the updates aren't major security concerns. What you see as "constantly needing fixed", is actually instant availability of improvements. Why be forced to wait a week for something thats been fixed minutes after the last update cycle?

Comment Re:OK THAT IS FUCKING ENOUGH (Score 3, Insightful) 86

I thought it nice that this was mentioned. The article and the video might not have had the detail you required, but the thats what the google search is for. I've seen holographic images before, and was very interested in how it's accomplished, but it was years ago and I didn't have the resources to look into it further. Sometimes its nice to be reminded of this kind of stuff. For myself, it's led to a night of googling and interesting reading. If its not enough for you, move on to the next article.

Comment Stupid people are breeding (Score 1) 981

Why not, it would help battle the "Stupid people are breeding" problem. I live near many neighborhood/trailer parks where some people don't seem to do anything besides eat, breed, and live off the government. They don't seem to have any motivation to do much else. Some of the more intelligent people I know are not interested in having kids. If its a bad thing, it will go to hell really fast. Why not just see what happens.

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