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Comment Re:So why do we believe one country over the other (Score 1) 67

We, as those who are here in South Africa, believe it because we can see there is no general blackout and those on billed connections still have power, and those on prepaid with sufficient credit on the meter still have power.

The worst thing is it happened just before the general monthly payday, so people on tight budgets with few credits left are screwed even though they now have the money to pay for the next month.

Comment Re:911 Calls Shoudln't be Public (Score 1) 114

But having access only during a court hearing with expert testimony explaining every second of the call stops the friends and family from espousing on social media that if the untrained idiots at 911 had just told them something, they could have saved Bob after his decapitation by jet-engined chainsaw. Because reasons and science and someone they knew at school survived dropping a brick on their foot.

That's the real reason people are upset about a non-problem.

Comment Re:Khafra Should have Left When he Smelled Smoke (Score 5, Informative) 175

From the various articles on the case, Khafra was at the bottom of a 6m deep shaft with no ropes or ladders to climb out. Beckwitt's paranoia trapped him in there until Beckwitt came to get him out or feed him and haul out a bucket of shit.

Comment Re:Puts the early claims into perspective (Score 1) 139

Whether you can call it hubris or not is debatable. Back in the 90s, the human genome mapping project was just getting going and the understanding of the genetics of HIV was sadly lacking. The researchers said 5 to 10 years because their experience was with vaccines for high speed diseases that overwhelmed the immune system, not something that ran slow and shut down the immune system response.

When they finally dug their collective heads out of the sand and recognized it as a human threat, not a gay or druggie threat, they still didn't understand it properly. So they thought their previous experience would prove similar with HIV. Unrealistic, maybe, naive, definitely, hubris, I don't think so.

Same with cancer cures, the tools we have for fixing the genetic car engine are hammers and chisels, not diagnostic computers and electronic tuning systems. Medicine is still a lot of brute force over ignorance, though we'd rather not admit it.

Comment Re:Red Hat was bought by IBM (Score 2) 106

It is not exactly an attractive move, but their hands have been forced by the likes of AWS and Azure taking without giving back. They've developed a successful, large business around their database. But because it's open source, Azure and AWS are going to get the lion share of profits without giving back a line of code.

Should HPe and Dell give MongoDB cash whenever I buy new servers to run their database on my premises? Does that make sense? Then why should AWS or Azure have to pay up when I buy my servers on their hardware?

Comment Re:I wonder which model they're referring to (Score 4, Informative) 117

As for the Galaxy A8, it too hasn't been very well received. Not only is it the first Samsung phone without a headphone jack...

I have a Samsung Galaxy A8 here. It has a headphone jack. The sound quality is pretty good, also.

The new not yet shipped A8s (the s is part of the model and not indicating plurality) doesn't have a jack, the currently on market A8 and A8+ 2018 models do.

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