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Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 86

I primarily pay for youtube for the music. The fact that it's ad-free on my TV is just a bonus. No cat and mouse game constantly trying to stay ahead of Google. I'm 36 with two kids, I don't have time to mess with it. Also, the content on Youtube is quite good. Seriously 90% of my TV watching is long form Youtube videos. You might just be on the wrong side of Youtube if you think 99.9999% of the content is crap. I'm subbed to enough content creators that produce extremely high quality, interesting videos to provide me with a couple of hours a day of entertainment specifically catered to my interests. That being said the stuff my 5 year old watches is just awful, and nothing will make me skip a video faster than poor audio.

Comment Re:Wavelength is the problem for higher frequencie (Score 1) 67

All the foam in the world won't really solve your problem. The low frequency you are hearing is vibrations coming out of the structure of your house. Short of decoupling the entire house from the earth around it, or at least your bedroom from the rest of the house, that rumbling will be there. This is actually something that's been studied a bit as studios have issues with this. I remember hearing a story about a recording studio that had a constant rumble in the background and it turned out to be industrial mixers about a mile away.

Comment Re:Ah yes.. The reason the FDA does reviews (Score 1) 183

First, relax, I was taking a stab at the regs themselves, not pharmacies or pharmacists. I specifically didn't mention what schedules as it is nuanced depending on said schedule, and most people that have never dealt with it don't really know or care about the different schedules. A schedule 2 is much, much different as to the level of effort you must go through to sell, store, dispense, etc as you alluded to. You also are omitting some info when you state that you have to submit a 222 form to the DEA, as you only have to do that for a schedule 2. I'm not sure what kind of mix of controlled drugs human pharmacies (I worked in the Vet industry) dispense in regards to schedule, but I'd assume that it's MOSTLY C3-C5. And I'm not discounting the points you made about keeping track of every tablet that falls off the counter at the volume a human pharmacy is doing. However, the fact is the estimate requirement for C3-C5 for some reason still applies to returned bottles. It makes no sense as I'm assuming your point to the pharmacy/store level comment you made is that you can't estimate how many pills you are dispensing. Perhaps the investigator that was doing my audit, as well as her supervisor was mistaken. Remember the Buprenorphine recall a few years ago? It was a shit show. The recall notice stated that it should have been returned directly to the mfg, however I had clinics sending me back partial syringes and vials that I somehow was supposed to keep track of the exact ml left in the container, according to my auditor. Exactly how do I measure whats left in the vial? My point was I had the exact same problems you do, but without the legal leeway. As it turned out I didn't get into any actual trouble, but I was given a hard time about it none the less.

Comment Re:Ah yes.. The reason the FDA does reviews (Score 4, Interesting) 183

I remember seeing an article somewhere about converting meth back into a decongestant. The allure is that it's far easier to get meth than it is to get the decongestant. I used to work in the pharm industry, and the regulations are laughable as to their inconsistencies. Did you know that dispensing pharmacies don't have to keep an exact pill count on controlled substances? They are allowed to estimate what's there. Distributors are REQUIRED to keep an exact pill count of any open bottles returned, but since the pharmacy was just guessing the paperwork doesn't match up. Imagine how a DEA investigator doing an audit feels about that.

Comment Re:There perfect cup is the one you pour in the si (Score 1) 162

Coffee and beer are two of the most vile things I've ever tried. I just have no taste for bitterness I guess. At best, I've found a couple of beers that I can tolerate, and one that was actually kind of agreeable, but it had an IBU rating of 17, so that kind of makes sense. I still keep trying though, I'm somewhat convinced that most of my problem is that I don't even know where to start.

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