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Comment Bilt (Score 1) 141

I suggest looking into the Bilt application: http://buildadatabaseapp.com/ It's a fairly easy to extend system built for creating adhoc shared database applications without having to write any code. You could use a bit of custom PHP on top of it to integrate into whatever public forms or whatever you need to pull data from. All your operators and employees would only need to interact with the UI provided by Bilt.

Comment If you do it right (Score 1) 997

This can work for short periods of time, up to a couple of weeks IF you pay an overtime bonus to the sallaried employees. My company does this and most people actually look forward to the infrequent times when it is needed because we are well compensated for it (in addition to our profit sharing program).

Comment Re:Note to the President (Score 1) 857

"If Texans have a way they want to do something, LET THEM, and don't live there if you don't like it."

Not if their decisions shapes text books all over the country. Not if they are receiving any Federal funding for their schools.

If they want to blur the line between church and state, and between facts and politics, then surely they won't mind the Federal Government taking away funding. After all, the Church will pick up the slack, right:)?

I have to admit though, living in an ultra-blue state (Oregon), it would be amusing to see my communities reaction to receiving a K-12 set of "Texanized" books.

Comment Re:Black Galaxy? (Score 3, Informative) 118

I mean this in the nicest possible way, but that post really makes it sound as if you don't know what you're talking about. 100000 light years is the size of a typical galaxy, i.e. the Milky Way (admittedly diameter, not radius). And the more massive a black hole, the bigger it is (as measured by the Schwarzschild radius); a black hole with 100 billion stars - which, again, is a typical galaxy's worth - would be about 600 billion km across. That's something like 100 times the size of the orbit of Neptune, and much bigger than any star.

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